After You

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"You bitch! You think you can d whatever you want! It's bullshit! You think your shit don't stink little girl than you have another thing coming! You're not my granddaughter anymore. Get the fuck out of my face." I sat there listening to her rant. Can't say I didn't deserve it.

My grandma was yelling at me because I just got arrested and I was drunk and under the influence of who knows what. I had to fight back the urge to laugh this was just all to funny. It's like one of those things you watch on a cop show, but on one of the shows that's set up. Wait am I watching one of those shows? Hell for all I know it very well could be.

I got arrested because I was drunk driving, and texting. Oh yeah the might have also found some drugs and paint that was invloved with the schools graffiti. It wasn't even graffiti it was art. And well I crashed too, that's what really got me arrested I guess. Everyone seemed to enjoy the graffiti even the principle, but no it was vandalizing school property. I even told everyone I was going to do it. No one belived me but there I sat not to long ago with a smug look on my face in a holding cell.

Let me give you a recap of what recap of what happened.

*7 hours earlier*

I was sitting in 3rd period taping my pencil away on my desk, 45 minutes left of class. Come on I can do this. The teacher was going on and on about how we needed better behavior because of the last walk through. Apparently throwing paint across the room when working on a mask for our English project isn't the right thing to do. Yeah this whole lecture was directed towards me.

I didn't raise my hand I took the bathroom pass and my backpack and left. I couldn't stand that so called teacher when he was lecturing. But when he was doing one on one I didn't mind his teaching at all, if you know what I mean. He has defiantly tought me a few things I'll be sure to remember. We had a silent agreement that I can leave class if I please. Especially with the learning directors standing in the classroom watching us like a hawk.

I'm sure that he just told them I have some medical condition or something like that. I honestly don't care they can tell them whatever he likes. I walked into the bathroom and looked over my appearance. I don't know why I was so ugly, but I blame it on genetics. Who wanted jet black hair, that seems to change color and voilet eyes. Well not me. I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me, fixed my white shirt, took out a knife and made the slashes in my pants my noticeable and appiled a new layer of lipstick that was a natural color.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and made my way back out to the hall. The hall was lined with lockers and I decided to enlighten the students with some art. I took out different colors of spray paint and placed them on the floor. No one comes over here during class, trust me I know, so I should be good. I sprayed the school mascot and a picture of the campus with our forest behind it. I even spray painted some of the cars in the parking lot. It was a pretty sick drawing. I put everything away and decided to make a pit stop at my car. Before "heading back to class". I popped open the trunk of my Plymouth Duster and threw the spray paint inside.

After that I unlocked the driver door and climed in turning on the radio and pulling out a cigarette. I was good with masking the smell of the smoke, I had a trick when you blew out the smoke. When it was finally lit I put my lighter back in my pocket and took a long drag of the smoke. I started to feel better right away. Today just sucked and it was only 3rd period. At the end of school I would stay after for detention with Mr. Dover. Then I would do my extra credit and be on my way. The door to my car was still open so I blew the smoke outside the car.

Class only had 10 minutes left so I put out my cigarette and made my way back to the entrance of the school. I walked down the empty halls taking everything in. I pulled out my spray and gave myself a few sprays masking any trace left of the smoke.

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