Ch.4 Plans

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I'm Sorry in advance for the short chapter °^°, but things need to be said....

Selina and Bruce
The Black Cat landed on the rooftop silently. She scanned the area for the Dark Night. Instead of her usual seductive mood, she was more serious. As if on cue, Batman appeared from the shadows, his cape draped over his tall figure, making him look more intimidating then usual.

Catwoman placed her hands on her hips, staring into the white eyes of Batman's mask.

"Selina why did you bring me here" Batman asked. Better Question Why did I come, he kept the thought to himself. Selina had a straight face, she pursed her lips in deep thought. "We need to talk, about Leona". She is going to kill me for this. So she began to tell Leona's story, origins and all.

"You know when she was four she climbed the Himalayas"
"Very similar to Robin"
"She broke-"
"Her wrist"
"No, her Ankle, yet she made it"


The Feline gazed at the now chained window, She was now housebound due to her injuries. Her claws could easily slice through the chains, but her body wasn't up for it. Her gaze fell on the electronic clock under the small television, 12:57.

Leona tends to sleep through the day, only waking up for personal necessities. With the League she would
train all night, until it was destroyed. Talia left while Leona was watched by two Assassins, in the middle of the commotion she was once again drugged and moved. It wasn't long ago though, since she was recently moved.

Leona's POV

I raised the tank top I was wearing to expose the large bruise. The Batman is extremely skilled, I underestimated his abilities. The bruise was slowly healing, not like it had hurt...badly. Yes I am stubborn, a trait that runs in the Al Ghul family. I still think that idiotic bird is Damian Wayne, and if he's a Wayne he's my-

"Brother" I breathed. How could I not know this before! Ugh This whole Task is a living Hell! A rumble filled my chest and I realized I was growling. A worthy opponent, Damian Al Ghul, or Wayne. He was also trained by the League I presume. I glanced at the electric clock again. 1:17.

With a yawn I laid my head down on the pillow of the couch. I stared at the Stained Wall. Damian Wayne, I will find you, and kill you, brother or not.

The Robin grunted from the last hit. He was currently in the Batcave with Dick, sparring against each other. "Come on Dami, that's all you got" Dick smirked. Damian was fighting quite roughly, sloppily, taking out his anger. He didn't know why he was angered by the Cat-Girl that seemed to beat him to a pulp, yet he was angry.

A low growl was his only response as he once again lunged for the acrobat. Damian's Hood of his Robin costume was suddenly lifted up, bringing him with it. Dick grinned in response, "I expected more of a Chall-Arg!". He stopped mid sentence, being head butted by Damian. Dick dropped the hood to put a hand to his forehead, dropping the assassin. The assassin lowered his body, extending a leg and sweeping Dick of his feet. The Acrobat fell on his back with a loud Thud that echoed through the cave. Damian leapt onto his older brother, pinning him down. "Come on Grayson, that's all you got". Dick pulled his feet from the gap between Damian's legs,using Leona's tactic since they were both very flexible. The Assassin knew what he was doing. The Acrobat kicked Damian in the chest, Using that small momentum to regain his balance and stand once more. Damian caught hisself from landing on his back, this time tumbling backwards and standing. As Dick was going to try to pin The assassin down, Damian already moved. Dick changed his plans and faced his palms towards the floor, back flipping towards Damian with his feet facing Damian. The Assassin suddenly caught Dick's ankle, he had planned out what he could've done if someone pulled this trick again. He threw The Acrobat towards the wall, Grinning inside his head. "I expected more of a Challenge" he repeated.

Damian's POV

Grayson had used Cat Girls tactic. He did not know I knew this one and how to get out of it. Cat Girl seems to be the only worthy opponent, she and Father. I faintly remember her saying something in Arabic, yet I don't recall what she said. We should've killed her as soon as she was down, and yet Father freed her.

I left the Batcave, going into my room to change into something besides my Robin Suit. I need to go to the library, peace and quite to think, somewhere away from the annoyance know as Dick Grayson.

Selina and Bruce
"I think it's better if she stayed with you"
Bruce stayed calm, while on the outside his brain was trying to comprehend what Selina had just Said. He continued to listen.

"Leona needs to be with her family, blood family" Catwoman switched her sad, distant gaze to Bruce, waiting for his response. He kept his calm composure as he spoke. "I agree". Selina smiled softly, "You have a habit of changing people". Batman also smirked briefly, as soon as it appeared it was gone. "Selina" he began. He only said her first name when he was serious, more than usual. "I want you to make sure she trusts me, you have formed a strong bond with her in the last few days". Catwoman nodded, turning away to leave. "Meet you there" she chirped, not looking back.

The Dark Knight sighed, knowing  wherever he'll go she'll be there. He watched her jumping figure, before turning to head back to his own home.

984 words to be exact

I enjoyed the different points of view, and the fight scene. Yeah, Damian's Bitchy as ever..

Stay Whelmed my Peeps


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