Ch.5 I Know Who You Are

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Leona's POV

I'm getting used to waking up at dawn instead of sunset, which is why I woke at 6 am. The sky was a dark blue, street lamps still glowed below. Yet the sky was outlined with a light blue, bringing wisps of clouds with it and pushing away the, now far from sight Moon.

I averted my eyes from the window, returning to the comfort and warmth of my bed. Sadly, the Jaguar DNA only gave me a slight warming factor, not enough to keep me from the cold Gotham Nights.

The Tank top and shorts Selina always seem to give me didn't keep me warm and exposed my skin to the bitter cold. Wrapping the blanket around my shivering form I instantly felt better. This small apartment is nothing compared to the League, not to mention I didn't have my regular appearance on. It was thick enough to block out the cold harsh winds.

Draping the blanket around my shoulders, which trailed behind me like a cape, I trudged to the window. The Sky illuminated a light, bright blue. Few Cars passed by, More and More as the day grew on. People passed by, many thuggish characters stayed in the shadows. A Lot of activity erupts in the Mornings of Gotham, less than the nights, but more than the deserted afternoons. Something about being in the South of Gotham, Selina told me.

It was calming in a way. Silence and Activity. I was finding myself drifting off at the sight, I was awake the majority of the night, resulting in the outcome of slumber taking over. No. I need to stay alert, there was a difference in today. A Uncertainty. A Change. I could sense it.

"I See your up kitten"

I silenced the growl that threatened to leave. Speaking calmly I replied. "Yes Selina I am, I awoke early and spent my time gazing at the city, it was" I paused looking for the right word "Calming". I could sense her confusion for a brief moment. Selina cleared her throat. "Anyway, it's early still, I have business to do, I'll be back". I hummed in response, hearing the door shut.

<Time Skip>


I opened my eyes slowly. Selina was staring at me, her mask covered her face. I groaned and stretched my arms. I was laying on my back on the couch, taking a nap. Selina backed away, giving me space to stand now. "What Selina" I growled, not moving. Her blue eyes glared at me, "Get Dressed, we're meeting someone, special". I switched positions, now sitting upright. "Will there be violence, if so-"

"Just wear your ninja- Whatever it's called"

How dare she insult The League. Without hesitation I leapt to my feet, heading towards where my outfit and small weapons were.


   Selina and I leapt down into an alleyway. I could smell salt in the air, which meant we were close to sea. My instincts were proven right when we stepped onto a wooden dock. I pulled the hood over my head, covering my now frizzing hair. I need to re-do the braids, or else my hair turns into a mass of frizz. Like I said, my hair is untamed and wild.


Selina called out suddenly. Wait, Metal, Rubber, Leather, Cloth, Male, Human, Batman...

I tensed suddenly, Bruce Wayne is Batman.

As predicted The Batman appeared from the shadows, behind him was a black vehicle. I felt Selina give me a push towards him. A guy in a Bat Costume is the father of Damian Wayne, Robin, a assassin. I imagined him taller.

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