Ch.1 Assassian

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3rd Person

The Feline cursed under her breath. She may be the same age as Her Half Brother, but is still a Assassin. Her Eyes had turned Amber, and her claws slid from under her real nails. Scooping into those Nails like they're a bowl. Her own Mother drugged her. She was just scratching her Daughters head when she pulled out a syringe, stabbing it into her Daughters neck, making Leona go limp.

Leona woke up in a alley way and looked at the first thing that caught her eyes


Her Vision was a bit blurred still from the strong drug. She leaned a hand on the Grimy Alley way wall. She looked at her outfit. The Skin-tight spandex like material, The Black boots, Loose Shirt with Hood. There was a black band going over the stomach.

She pulled the hood over her head, especially her eyes. They were slowly changing back to normal. Leona's Green eyes and sharp vision concentrated on a dark figure two buildings away from her. A low growl emitted from her throat. Calm Down she thought to herself, taking a deep breath. Her eyes darkened slowly, and turned grey.

-Leona's POV-

I took a few more shaky breaths before releasing my hand from the grimy wall


I hear voices above me. One was soft and commanding, while the other was younger and more stubborn. I could smell them. Metal, Fire, or something burning, like lightning, Leather like material, Human, definitely, Clo-

"Are you Okay"

I snapped from my thoughts and took a defensive pose. What idiotic mind would think to sneak up on a Assassin in deep thought. I looked at the masked face of, What the Hell!? Who goes around in spandex and a giant bird on their chest. They smelled like Metal and that burning scent, lightning.

"Just Fine" I growled (not literally). I turned my head away from the "Bird Man" and focused on the other scent. Same Spandex like material, Metal, Blood?, Leather, Rubb-

I felt something on my shoulder and reacted quickly. I hissed loudly, my hand that was on the wall shot out towards the crouching man. Before my Claws could make contact with "Bird Man's" Face a hand stopped me. Whoever it was took the hit.

My Claws dug into a Leathery material, only brushing against the skin. My Amber, I'm guessing, eyes glared furiously at another masked face. This one seemed to also be glaring at me. I was unfazed by this and felt a low growl eminent from my throat. "Don't Touch Me" I Spat in his face. I can tell from his hold he was a guy.

His grip slowly loosened before he let go of my hand, warily. He stepped to the side, allowing Bird Man to talk to me. He kneeled down you me level once again, farther this time. "Where are your parents" Blue Bird asked in a soft voice. I scoffed at the word "Parents".

With a grin that exposed my fangs I spoke. "Why don't you ask them", my voice laced with sarcasm. "Bird Man" shook his head and sighed, he began to reach towards me until he remembered the previous event. "Any more questions" I growled irritated.

"Why are you a Cat"

The masked boy stepped up. I glared my Amber eyes at him. "I'm Not a Cat" I crossed my arms, finding the ground very interesting right now. "Why are you such a Angry little-". Smoke filled the small alley before I could speak. I scaled the sides of the buildings next to me. Whoever threw the bomb was gone....

3rd person

The Feline landed on her feet, as usual, onto the rooftops. There was no sign of her savior but she carried on. She heard heavy footsteps behind her. The Assassin whipped around, throwing four ninja stars towards Nightwing. They brushed his skin, barely missing. One scratched his left shoulder, another on his right thigh.

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