~Christmas_Special~ |3|

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I love writing these also. Enjoy!

Slight Swearing Warning ⚠️

Pride hurt, and a bit pissed, Leona returned to the Living room.

Or tried

The door slammed open while the poor deer-girl was walking past the staircase. Again.

Bent over, holding his knees, and with a red face the 15 year old raven haired boy looked straight at Leona (Not knowing the Wests were there) and assumed she was fastest.

"Le..huff..ona...Jason's....huff...Going to...huff...go down..huff...THE CHIMNEY."

Her steel eyes widened by a fraction before returning to a stoic face.

Speeding towards the power box, The raven haired girl yanked out the one cord she knew most.


This is the Wayne manor, not the first time someone came in like this.

Seconds later, She heard a thud, gasps and groans (Batfamily), and a familiar-

"Merry Fucking Christmas Family!"

A sound between a sigh and a groan came out of Leona. She plugged in the cord and put on a finger on her forehead. 'All I wanted to do was read Percy Jackson and drink peppermint flavored tea'. She was only on the first book and Damn was it good.

Only 2 days...2 DAYS. It was only December 24th and December 25th in her way of those printed words and tea.

While thinking of all this, her body was unconsciously walking towards the living room.

The raven haired (with a white streak) 18 year old stared at the girl, when a joker (A/N: *knee slap*) like grin spread across his face. "I found my reindeer" and before she could protest she was on Jason's shoulders. "Put me down you drunk!". "I'm only tipsy".

The 13 year old and 18 year old had no romantic connection. Instead it wa smile of a older brother-sibling connection. Jason saw a bit of him in Leona and wanted to make sure she didn't make the same mistake as he did. They shared the same independent spirit.

As if she lost interests in life, the girl gave in to the goofy game and...fell back. Her reindeer antlers and belt jingled each step Jason took and..a bond was formed at that moment. The ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. "Leona the red nose reindeer~".

Jason ruined the moment.

[Swear warning ⚠️]

"Shut the Fuck Up!"

"You shut the fuck up!"

"Fuck you"

"Fuck you too"

"Stop Fucking copying Me!" The to ravenettes said in unison.

"5 dollars in the swear jar"

Poking Jason's lower back to be let down, Leona flipped onto her feet and glared at the voice.

"Timothy Drake-" Before she could utter another word, her eyes were glued on the sweater he was wearing.

"They got you too huh" Leona hummed. "Yeah" the boy sulked. He had a read knitted sweater with a Red Robin symbol patterned across it. "At least your not a fu-freaking Deer"The two began to sulk and exchange conversation on how they would rather be in the library reading Percy Jackson (Leona) and Harry Potter (TimTim).

The Red Hood just looked at the two, dumbfounded at their so called "Nerd talk". "Gonna go steal one of Alfred's cookies" he mumbled under his breath.

Meanwhile with the Wests, they were mentally scarred.

"I knew Alfred was scary" Wally said with all the life draining out of his eyes slowly.

"But he's a nightmare on Christmas" Bart finished with the same look after his Sex Ed. (Sex education) class.

The two Red heads/Gingers shuddered, when the old Butler walked out the kitchen looking stoic as fuck. "Hope you learned got lesson for next year".

"Y-Yes Sir!"

Meanwhile, With the "Adults", They were discussing League matters...while Barry was Barry.

"I've not only called you all here as my close friends and comrades, but to discuss important matters....Barry put that down" The Dark Night stated, still looking menacing without the mask. A few of the members (Ollie, Dinah, Clark, and Diana) had seen his regular face, while the others (Barry) were still in awe.

"Are you sure it's not a mask" The blonde asked skeptically, whilst pulling on the Billionaires (?) cheek. "Barry this is a league meeting, the least you could do is act your age" Dinah sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I'm only 37" The other blonde mumbled, before taking another festive cookie.

He pulled out a file titled "S.B" aka "Shadow Bat". The Man-child known as Barry Allen suddenly calmed, adding to the serious tone.

Bruce opened his mouth to speak, before being interrupted by a Knock on the large dining rooms doors. Sighing, he tucked tucked file the file under the table and shouted to the other side, "Come in Tim". Over the years he's been able to tell the different knocks of his sons (and somewhat daughter).

The 15 year old stiffened at the sight of the league and hesitated. "Well...get it on kid" Ollie rushed.

Tim took a deep breath. "Leona's on the Chandelier again, Jason's missing, Dick went to get him, The speedsters are being quiet, and Damian is about to jump from the banister".

They heard the sound of glass ringing like bells. "Correction, Damian already has".

Bruce sighed into his palms.


-looks around innocently-

Whaaaaaaat, the story wasn't going anywhere and needed some action

Stay Whelmed My Peeps!


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