Chapter 7 Paramus, NJ

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Camilia POV

Im woken up by the bus coming to a sudden stop. I hit my head on the roof of the little bunk "FUCK!" Lauren woke up from my scream worried "Baby are you ok?" .. "I'm fine i just hit my head here" i say pointing at the roof and she laughs at me. I shove her away and laugh a little starting to get out of the bunk but she pulls me back in and kisses me with so much passions. After a few minutes she pulls away and i'm smiling. "My morning breath doesnt bother you?" i ask curiously and she shakes her head kissing me over and over again until we hear Savnnah "Girls wake up. Radio Interview in 1 hour!"  i look at Lauren and shes leaned against the wall and i sit on her "UGHHH" she laughs at me playing with my hair " shhh love , it will only take a little while" I stick my tongue out at her and go to the bathroom starting to get ready for the day. Everyone is awake by the time i get out of the bathroom so i go to the make up and hair section of the bus. 

After 30 minutes Dinah and i are finished and now its Ally and Laurens turn. Dinah and i get off the bus and start to explore our surroundings. As we are walking Dinah starts asking me about Camren. "How are the two love birds?" she says shaking me in an excited way and i feel myself blushing "were good, i really like being hers and her being mine you know?" she nods in an understanding way "No problems then?" she asks "no not that i know of... everything is perfect" while saying that i realize one problem.... we aren't out yet to our fans. i sigh and Dinah notices "Whats wrong Chanco?" she says worriedly. "CheeChee she doesn't want to come out because of the hate which i totally understand but i want everyone to know she's.... mine" Dinah sighs and she hugs me trying to comfort me as we sit at a bench by the water. "maybe you guys should wait a while just because shes still scared.. maybe after a little while she will really want to come out but just give her some time" i nod in agreement and i hug her when i let go i see Ally, Lauren and Mani come out of the bus all ready. Dinah hold my shoulder looking in to my eyes seeing if i'm ok and i give her a smile and hug her again when they all walk up to us and Lauren hugs me from behind "hey baby whats up?" i kiss her cheek and shake my head "not much baby just enjoying nature and stuff " they all laugh at my horrible lying skills ad Dinah shakes her head " Mila is just nervous about this interview" Dinah winks at me and i smile nodding "yeah what if they ask us who we like and stuff?" i say  following along with Dinah's lie. "Just say Harry Styles or something" Ally says and we all nod in agreement.

Lauren POV 

I'm worried about Camz. She never lied to me like that so i know something is up definitely but i shrug it off. Savannah comes out and tells us all to pile into the Van. Camila sits on my lap and i move my hands up and down her legs. I can never control myself around her. I see her bite her lips and all i want to do is attack them. As i'm thinking about her body and having my lips all over them the van stops in front of the local station here in Paramus, NJ. i shake off these feelings and camz gets up followed by me. 

We all walk up to the studio and sit in the seats for us and we say hi to the DJs and all the people who work there. After 5 minutes of introductions, We are on the Air and the DJ starts talking "Hey this is Dj here at NJ100 on air with FIFTH HARMONY!" We all clap excitedly and the Dj tells us to say our name and age " Hi i'm Ally and i'm 20" a" hey i'm Dinah and i'm 16" " I'm Nomani and i am 17" "I'm Lauren i'm 17" i say and last but defiantly not least Camz says " HIIIIII IM CAMILAAA i'm 16..." we all laugh at Camila's enthusiasm and the DJ starts to talk to us about our music. He starts to play Miss Movin On' and we are all dancing and jamming out. i watch Camz going crazy and dancing and she is so cute. After the song finished we all sit back down and we are on air again "That was Miss Movin Onnnnn' by fifth harmony who are here in the studio with us today!" We clap and say HEYYYY. The DJ turns to me and Camila "SO you are Lauren and your Camila right?" Camz and i nod raising out hands"present!" camz say's and i shake my head laughing "So you both make Camren?" me and camz look at each other wide eyed and the DJ Laughs "Come on Lauren i read twitter and i saw the way you were looking at Camila during the song!" blush horrible and put my head down smiling and Camila runs her hand up and down my back  "Yeah i guess we are camren then " i say in the mic and i look at Camila, She has Surprised written all over her face and so those the other girls. the the DJ talks again "Well Harmonizers you heard it here first! Camren is real and their Together here" I feel my phone vibrating violently and i see camz phone doing the same and we smile at the DJ i look around nervously and after a couple more questions the interview is finally over. We say bye to the DJ and station people and go straight back to the bus. it is now 2pm so we have time to hang and right when we got in the bus The girls come to me and Camila asks "are you alright? what happened back there?" i look at her and shes smiling but also worried. weird mix of emotions are going on threw out the room but all i am is nervous. "i don't know camz ...  it just came out." i say and she holds he close kissing my temple and the other girls hug me and comfort me. After a while Mani grabs the laptop "GIRLS LOOK!" everyone gets up except me and camz is smiling and she shrieks. "BABY LOOK!" She says and i sigh looking at whats on the screen. it is twitter trends and #1 is #CAMREN and they click on it. i read threw and its all harmonizers fan girling they love us together. i start to feel better until one hate comment comes up from some random girl " Ew #Camren ... wtf is wrong with society" I sit back my smile fading immediately and camz hugs me tight "but baby its 1 out of millions".. i shrug and rip out of her hug going straight to my bunk.

Normani POV

I see Lauren run away from Mila and shes about to run after her but i hold her hand. "Ill take it Mila" she looks at me sad and nods walking back to the laptop. i sigh and walk over to Laurens bunk climbing in. " Lauren are you alright?" She looks at me with tea filled eyes and my heart breaks. i immediately hug her tight laying down and she cuddles into my chest and i feel something... but i quickly ignore it. "Lauren it was 1 out of millions. don't let her win" with that said Lauren looks up to me and she nods and i wipe her cheeks. i look at how her lips quiver and i want to kiss her badly.. wait what?!.... no i don't... fuck .. i do. i push that thought aside. After a while Lauren finally feels better she hugs me and thanks me and jumps out of the bunk and into the shower. i walk out and see Mila and the couch worried and i sit with her "She'll be fine" mila nods and goes to her bunk and i sit thinking about how i thought of Lauren.

Laurens POV

Mani is so perfect at helping me out with my feelings. i feel so bad about leaving Camz though. After a while of "Therapy" i feel so dirty so i jump in the shower. As i look threw my things i turn on the water and i come across a blade from when i use to cut in my make up bag.... my breathing stops and i just stare at it for a while contemplating on whether to do it or not. I look to my wrist and its clear. My hands take over control and i raise the blade to my wrist and make one cut and i finally am able to breath from the satisfaction of that cut. i close my eyes and cut again and again until i have about 5 red lines on my wrist and i throw the blade in the sink.  i jump in the shower washing away the blood and i know i did something so wrong because i start to cry and hyperventilate. Once it stops bleeding i turn the water off and dry myself putting on my Sweats and a jacket to cover the fresh cuts. I go to my bunk and Camz is there waiting for me. i hold my sleeves down nervously and climb in sitting on her lap. 

Camila POV

Lauren finally come to bed and I'm waiting for her worried. when she comes she has on a sweater even though its super hot which is weird but whatever, Shes my baby. She sits on my lap and i start to kiss her cheek and neck and she smiles. It looks like she feels better which makes me happy! While we are cuddling she takes off her sweater putting it at the end of the bed and i hold her hands moving my finger up and down her arms comforting her. while I'm doing this i feel something weird on her arm and i pick it up to see what it is but she snatches her arm away from me. i look at her eyes weird then at her arm and she runs out of the bunk. i follow her out and i see her face in Mani's chest. i instantly get heated.. jealous. i don't understand why she never wants to tell me anything. i get pissed off and go back to my bunk which feels foreign cause i have been rooming in Laurens for a while. i lay down and i feel tears running down my cheeks and i wipe them away mad. i put on my headphones to let go of the world and i fall asleep right there.

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