Chapter 19 Pittsburgh

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Ally POV 

I woke up with my phone vibrating. i pick it up and see a beautiful girl's picture on my screen for facetime. I swipe the lock screen and it starts to connect then her face pops up. "Hey Beautiful... oh shit you were sleeping?" i giggle a little and turn on the light to my bunk " Yeah... but its fine" i say in my sleepy voice " wanna go back to sleep?" she asks and i shake my head rubbing my eyes " no babe its fine"  i say and i see her blush. " So what are you doing?" i ask checking the time too see that its 7AM here. " i just got out of school so im just bored " .."what time is it over there?" she looks somewhere next to her " its 4 in the afternoon how about there?" she asks " its 7 in the morning" she giggles " im so sorry just go back too sleep babe" she says shyly " noooo i would miss you to much " i say trying to be cute. " okay okay! " she says putting her hand up as if she was giving up " YAY! so whatchya wanna talk about?" she has a thinking " How cute you look when you wake up " she winks amnd i see myself blush so i look down " Babeee now i want too see your cute self blushing!" she says whining and i look up " your horrible" i say giggling and she blows me a kiss.

We have been talking for a couple hours and its now 10 AM and camila opens the curtian " ALLY CAAA.... oh ... HI TAYLOR SWIFT" she screams and i laugh " Hey camila!" cynthia says and i turn to camila " Sup mila?" .." i want pizza and Lolo wont do it and no one lets me use the oven. Can you Do it??" Camila says with pouty lips and i Cynthia and i start cracking up " If you promise not to burn the kitchen down this time you can do it and ill just sit over there cause ya im kinda busy " i say pointing towards the screen " I PROMISE " Camila says running towards the bus kitchen. I get up following her putting my head phones in " So camila really is obsessed with Pizza?" she asked and i laugh " Yes its so crazy she cant last 2 days without a slice... right Mila?" i say entering the kitchen and Camila is slipping a frozen pizza in the oven " huh?" she says confused " Nada locaita " She blows me a kiss and i keep talking to cynthia.

" ALLY COME ON YOUR THE LAST ONE " Lauren screams and i sigh " Ok babe i have to go get ready ill text you when i come back " i say in a sad tone. " Ok love have a good show!" we blow eachother a kiss and i end the call running to Hair and Make up. When im done we head out to the venue and we do our thing.

I walk to my bunk so sleepy. The show was pretty good. I drop in the bed and grab my phone and i see that cynthia sent me a message

To Ally:

Hey love heading to bed. Have a good night! ttyl

Awww she so cute :3

To Cynthia:

Thank you for staying up late today to walk to me cutie :* . Byeee ttyl

I write, i send it then i put my phone to charge falling asleep happy as ever.

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