Chapter 33 Los Angeles PART 5

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Camila POV

Im in bed waiting for lauren to get out of the shower... its soooo early... her phone keeps vibrating saying its Demi and i just cant handel myself i need to knowww!... then my phone rings and i open it 

From: Harry Styles! <3

Hey beautiful, im free tonight and i was wondering if i could take you out?

i sighed and contimplated for a while like 20 minutes

To: Harry Styles! <3

Hey! ummm... you should know im like with lauren like we are together like she is my girlfriend...

i send

From: Harry Styles! <3

I know but.... i just wanted my chance with you... how about we just go as friends and if you like it, its a date ;)

i read and shrug

To: Harry Styles! <3

alright... ill meet you st skyzone ;) 

i send and i start to pick out my outfit... lauren walks into the room " hey baby what are you doing?" she asks and i look down trying to think of a lie " im going to see cody... umm he wanted to show me these songs ykno " i say and i see her pissed " babe... why are you going hes just gonna try to get at you" lauren starts to get dressed and i push her on the bed sitting on her lap " baby... trust me alright? ... hes just a friend.. i already talked with him and he understand, its just two friend musicians sharing musical input " i say and she sighs " fineeee but text me like every second alright?" she says and i smile kissing her lips slowly " yes mam " she smiles and i stand up taking off my sweat pants and she slaps my ass " ouchhh " i pretend and she winks at me ..... i put on the studded shorts and a bright pink crop top and i out my phone in my pocket and i jump the my car driving to Sky zone: trampoline warehouse's...

From: Harry Style! <3 

meet me at the ticket booth

i run in going straight for the booth and harry is taking photos with some fans when he spots me.. " sorry girls but i have to go " he says and he walks over to me ... the girls are all giving me death glares.. i dont blame em its harry freaking styles! " Ello cute " he says hugging me " Hi curly " i smile and he gives me my ticket and we go into the warehouse " thanks for coming love " he says and i smile " no prob .. i love this place!" i squeal and he smiles that amazing smile... we get on the trampoline and he holds my hand we jumo around jamming to the loud music and we crack up when they play best song ever... he chases me across the trampolines and i do flips going crazy its so awesome... a minute of having fun i look up too see girls taking photos of harry and i ... shit.. i tru to brush it off but i know for sure that they are going on twitter and that camila will see it and i will be in big big trouble.... we walk over to the foam pit and i jump in harry following me and he carries me " woah your so light " he says " put me downnn!!!! " i scream laughing at the same time " nooo milaaa your going to drown in foammmm!" he says dropping me and i laugh swiming up out of the foam... i look at the window next to the pit and there are a bunch of Paparazzi's taking photos of us.. this was not a good idea.. i pull harry to me and whisper in his ear " we have to go they found us.. " he looks up and pouts " okay.. lets go to eat " he says and i nod... We walk out of the pit and he takes a few more photos with fans .. before we walk out a girl pulls me and he starts to hold me so that i dont get attacked but i say its ok " camila why are you not with lauren?" the little girl asks and i sigh " harry and i are just friends " she smiles and hugs me and we take a photo " i love camren " she says and i smile " whats camren ?" harry whispers to me and i giggle " its what harmonizers call Lauren and I as a couple " he nods not looking intresting anymore and the paparazzi are at the front door " here" he says putting his jacket on my head so i dont get photographed.. reminds me of that time in NYC with lolo.... he walks me out to my car and told me to meet him at menchies and i nodded starting to drive there...

i park and i start to look threw twitter ... photos of harry and i are EVERYWHERE! im so scared at this point... harry texted me that he is here so i go out to the shop and sit at the table were he is at " hey... that was pretty crazy im sorry about it" he says and i smiled " no problme your harry styles .." i say and he laughs " lets go get ice cream " i say and we get up getting our cups... i get strawberry with cake batter and berry with pretzels and gummy worms on top and he gets plain vanilla .. whats wrong with this kis... he pays and we sit down eating " so how your music coming?" he aska nd i nod " pretty good... our Album comes out in October so im excited anddd well yeah " i say and he nods eating " ill make sure to pre order it " i smile and he sits closer to me wrapping his arm around me waist and i feel weird like... its not lauren... " Camila... your a very beautiful girl " he says lowly and i just ... i get creeped out... hes.. not... lauren. .. i just nod and he leans into me " yknoooo! umm this is awesome ice cream.. i mean fro yo! yeah " i say akwardly and he sighs nodding.. " yeah but... id like to taste yours" i smile and push my cup towards him and he leans in kissing me slolwy ... he seems to like it but i just cant... its not lauren. his lips arent soft and like ugh its not the same .. i just sit there akwardly not kissing back and he pulls away looking at me " whats wrong love?" he asks and i sigh " im in love with lauren " he pouts and i ruffle his curly hair " im sorry harry... " i say and he nods " i understand .. if anything every changes call me alright?" he says and i nod " thanks for ykno... trying.. " he laughs and nods " well lets just at least we can finish this ice cream eh?" he says and i smile nodding " for sure " ...

A while later we are are finished eating and we get up " it was nice talking to you " i say and he smiles " you too love... friends right?" he asks and i nod hugging him... i walk out to my car and i start to drive home.... when i turn into the drive way and and take a deep breath preparing myself for what is about to go down ... i walk in the door and everything is quite " hello?" i say and dinah calls out " in here dawg " i walk into Dinah and Mani room and they smile " how was it ?" they ask " how was what?" i say adn they laugh " time with harry styles " i sigh " does lauren know " they both shrug " she hasnt came out of her room all night so maybe " i sigh " we are just friend haryy and i ... " they nod and wish me good luck and i walk into laurens room ... shes asleep in her bed... i kiss her forhead whispering " i love you baby girl " she rolls around and i giggles watching and changing my clothes.. while im putting on my shirt i hear " camz?" i walk over to the bed " hey baby " i say and he rolls her eyes " dont... why did you lie to me ?" she says and i sigh " cause i knew you would be like this ... ill tell you everythig " i say and she just pushes me away softly like for me to get out of the room " dont bother... you fucking lied to me and you know what fuck it we are even... cause i met up with nick yesterday. " she says and she lays down on her phone ... i just sit there in totaly shock.. "" Are you serious?" i say and she nods " Wow so yuor being a fucking hypicritical bitch! what the hell.... fuck you lauren!" i scream at her and she shrugs and i storm out of the room slamming her door " Fucking bitch!!!!!" i scream out and dinah runs out of her room " what happened?" she asks and i just break down crying about to fall but Dinah catched me " she went out with nicck... she fucking UGHHH !" im so angrey i cant even continue talking about it, i thank Dinah and i go into my room slamming the door and i fall into my bed ... what the fucking hell just happened!?

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