Chapter 22 Dallas

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Lauren POV

It's 6 in the morning and I keep trying to go back to sleep but I just can't.... camila hates me. a couple hours more of thinking pass by and it's now 9AM and everyone starts to get up for one of our last lazy days of the tour. I walk out of my bunk and sit on the couch then I see camila come out of hers and I smile a little but she just turns away sitting on the other side of the couch "please ca..." I start to say as my phone starts ringing ... " hello?" .. "Hey it's Demi! Y'all are in Dallas right ?" she ask and I jump up in shock "yeah were here, we have a free day" I say with the biggest smile on my face "I want too invite y'all down to my house, ive been missing you crazy girls!" I laugh and so does she and I see camila have a confused face " alright just send me the Address and we will get ready and go ! " ... "Alright girly see you soon! " Demi says and I hang up .. "GIRLS!!" I scream and everyone comes rushing to me " what's wrong Lolo? " mani asks and everyone looks worried except camila... she's jus confused " We have just been invited to Demi Lovatos house here in Dallas !!!! " I say and camila screams and everyone gets exited "go get dressed ! " We all run to our bunks but before camila can go I take her hand "Camz please don't hate me" she looks down and mumbles "I don't hate you " I lift her chin and she has a shy smile and I kiss her cheek then my phone vibrates again getting a text

From:MCDLove   bring bathing suits!

I repeat it to the girls and I get a bag in which we all put our suites ... I start to get dressed in the bathroom then I look down at my tummy "oh shit " I whisper and I put my hand over my really red cuts. i put my shirt on and run out grabbing the bag and all the girls are ready "K leggo!" I say and we all head out to the van "Ello Robert !" camila says and I sit her on my lap kissing her shoulder " this address ppleaseeee" he nods and puts it into the GPS System then we are on out way.

We arrive at this HUGEEEE mansion on a farm. it looks beautiful "wooooahhhh!" Camila says and we all gawk at it in amazement ... We pull up the the hate and Robert clicks the call in button "who is it " a mans voice comes out of the box "fifth harmony " Robert says and the gate opens. He rolls up the humongous drive way and he parks "call when your ready to go ladies. Have a good day " I smile and wave to him and do does the other girls and they get of the car .. I being last after mani I whisper to her " you have to help me " she turns around and looks at me "what's wrong ?" she asks looking at my wrist. I shake my head and point to my tummy and nods in understandment "gotchya" she smiles an gives me a big hug " you have to talk to me about it later tho ok ?" She says "yes mam " I say and we run catching up to the girls "ring it ally !" I hear Camz say "no you ! " I laugh and Dinah gets frustrated " you all are so weird " she presses the bell and it ring then a young girl opens the door " Hello! y'all must be fifth harmony" we smile and wave "that's us ! " Camila says in her excited voice and we all laugh "alright come in "we walk in and look around the amazing house and it's so so beautiful ... Everything is put in a specific place there's a red living room and a long swirly stair case.. "close your mouths " the girl says laughing and we all wake up from our daze " hey girls !!!" Demi says walking down the stairs and she hugs us one by one "hey Demi, you have a beautiful home" ally says and we all agree. "thank you ! ... This is my younger sister Madison by the way" She waves and we wave back " but you can call me Maddie " Demi ruffles maddies hair and she gives her older sister a death glare " I told you not to do that Demitria ! " Maddie says and we all laugh " go put on your bathing suite kiddo" maddie runs up the stairs and Demi turns to us "how are you all? How's the tour going ?" Shee asks and I speak up "it's amazing. The best feeling ever!" the girls agree with me and Demi takes us to the living room "sooo a little birdie told me Camila and Lauren are an item " she says smirking and I see camila blush and I kiss her reddened cheek "yup! Happily together " camila says while slipping her hand in mines "that's awesome ! You knowww. I'm gonna tell you something but it's sooo super duper On the DL Down low under ground info" Demi says and we all look at eachother getting very intrested and Demi continues "I'm playing Santana's lesbian love intrest on Glee next season!! " we all gasp and smile "woah that's so awesome! why did you decide too?" I ask " Well .. I really believe in Gay rights and true love so wen she told me about it I accepted. I love how it's becoming so normal that they even put it on TV!" Demi says excitedly and we all look to each other impressed "that's amazing Demi ! I know five people who are totally into watching it " camila says looking at the girls and we all give a thumbs up and Demi laughs " thanks girl ! I've missed y'all ... You ready to get in the pool?" she asks and we all get up " okay change in the bathroom there" Demi says and we all go in it and I
Hand the girls the bag.... I wait for everyone to get done and then I start to change putting on my orange cover up for the beach .. when I walk out everyone is already in the pool having fun and Demi's dog runs up to me so I sit on the floor by the pool playing with him "come in Lauren! " Camila whispers something to Demi and se giggles "Lego Lolo!!!" She yells and we all laugh " but I wanna play with this cute puppy!" I say trying to stall " Dinah and Demi come out of the pool after a little while and they stand infront of me "pweaseeee Lolo " they both say and I shake my head "nooo.. This puppy is so fun " Demi and Dinah look at eachother and grab both my arms " NOOO! " I tell and before I know it I had been dropped into the pool.... when I get above water everyone starts to laugh and I swim to the shallow part " fuck you guys " I say and they just keep laughing and my cuts start to sting so bad " babyyy Come on dont be so grumpy " camila says swimming to me and she starts to take off my cover up " No Camila!" I say a bit too late cause she has already thrown it to the outside of the pool and I give her a death glare and I swim quickly to Mani "SOS" I whisper to her and she looks down to my tummy and gasp "damn Lolo ... Those are red! "She says in a whisper and I nod feelin like I'm about to cry "what's wrong Lauren ... Don't worry about your body. It's so hot plus we all love you" Demi says and I smile putting my arms infront of the cuts " I know dem.... Thank you" Demi hugs me and she moves my arms from my tummy and at that point I just give up.... it was bound to happen sometime today ... "woah ... Lauren ..." She says in almost a whisper and I looks down in the water completely ashamed "why?" she asks and I sighed "I've been doing it since like ... Before XFactor and ... I can't stop" I say and Demi hugs me "I
Understand honey ... you want to talk ? " I shrug and camila is looking at me with a sympathetic smile " umm it's just that Camila and I have issues sometimes and that's my way or dealing with it " I say trying my best to explain "come on " Demi holds my hand and we walk out of the pool and she hands me a towel and we head to the nearest bathroom " Lauren... I see how much camila loves you ... you don't need to do this " she says while she makes me look in the mirror. "your so beautiful .. look at those green eyes and that amazing hair." I smile a little and turn to demi "thanks dem ... " I say and she hugs me tight and kisses my cheek. "please .. Call or text me next time an ill help alright " I nod and she kisses my forhead and we stand there hugging for a while ... I feel a few tears escape my eyes and fall onto Demi's shoulder and she looks at me and wipes my cheeks "come on let's to have some fun " I smile and nod and we run back out to the pool and we jump in ... as I rise to the water all the girls hug me and tell me that they love me "we love you so much Lolo " Dinah says " were here for you " Ally says " dont worry about the haters you got us and ur so perfect Lauren " Normani says and I have the biggest smile on my face "Baby your so so beautiful and I love you with all my heart " camila says and she wraps her arms around my waist kissing my lips softly and I hear everyone go AWWWW... I giggles and kiss Camz nose and I look to all the girls then Demi comes beside me " see Lauren ... Your so loved " I smile and nod hugging her and maddies comes out of the house " There's pizza in the kitchen " she says and camila is the first one out of the pool and we all laugh " don't mess with that girl and her pizza " I say and Demi nods looking at camila run " I see ! " We all get out if the pool and go in the kitchen and we see camila with one pizza in each hand and one sticking out of her mouth "damn girl! " Demi says and we all look around not suprised "that's Mila ! " Ally says and all grab a slice of pizza.

It starts to get late and we are dressed ready to leave "Thank you so much for this Demi ! " I says and we all hug her "no problem girl ! 6th harmony " she says and we all laugh "where is your show tomorrow by the way ? " She asks and we look around to eachother and ally looks threw her phone "the Dallas Mall Center " she says " well ... I want to pass by and maybe we can do a song together. Cool? " she says and we all look at eachother " heck way ! We can do give your heart a break!" Camila yells and we all cheer dancing around "EPICNESS ! Okay let's do it.. ill tell Savannah out manager " Demi nods puttin something in her phone "alright just text me the time of the show as ill be there" we all hug and I text Robert and we walk out of Demi's house while she waves bye " See you tomorrow girls ! " We wave back and jump into the Van "this is going to be the best show ever !" Mani says and camila is Fangirling dancing around " OMG yes !!! " I scream...

< Next Day>

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