Chapter 24 San Francisco

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< Author Note>

Ello beautiful people.. im so very sorry that ladt chapter was very short but i got busy yesterday... i know all of you want Camren and i promise after this chapter theres gonna be LOTS of camren drama and ;) thank you for reading.. voting.. and commenting <3

Ally POV 

i opened my eyes and i look at my phone its 5 AM why the hell am i awake?!... then i realize. im metting cynthia today!!!!! i look threw my phone and she sent me some messages.. i open them up with a huge smile on my face 

From: Cynthia 

-Hey babe i miss you! so excited for tomorrow

-text me when you wake up

-good night beautiful princess! 

-cya ltr

i text her that im awake but trying to go back to sleep and i drift off sleeping...

< a couple hours later>

" ALLY CAT" i shot up from my bed " WHAT!" i scream and i see camila giggling " arent you metting TSwift today?" i feel myself blush and i nod " yeah later on .. why?" camila shrugs and she runs sitting on laurens lap... i check my phone and cynthia texted me

From Cynthia : 

OK love... im just here chillin txt me where the bus is and ill mett you there 

i text her the address and i start to get dressed, hyped and excited for today. " Well someone happy" Mani says as i walk out of the bathroom " DAMN ALLY YOU LOOKIN HOT" Dinah says and Mani glares at her and i just giggle " Cynthias coming sooo duh " i say and i head a knock on the bus door "ILL GET IT " i screaming running to the door... when i open my mouth my jaw drops ... standing infront of me is a georgous girl with long blonde hair and super light blue eyes " Hey" she says with a smile and i shake my head waking myself up " h..hey" i say nervously " come in " she comes up the bus steps and i feel some one behind me ... camila " Ello taylor swift! nice to meet yo " she says shaking cynthias hand " Hi camila ... wow you girls are eern prettier in person " she says giggling and all the girls say " AWWWW" " hi im Dinah and this is normani " dinah says and she nods " i know " we all giggles and lauren gets up " heyyy.. whats your name... im pretty sure its not taylor swift" lauren says shaking her head at camila and camila shrugs " im cynthia ... hi lauren!" she says excitedly and lauren smile sitting back down with Mila on her lap " you guys are so cute together " she says and camila blushes " well i think you all are cute together " Mila says pointing at Cynthia and i and we just look at eachother " were not.... like " i start to say and cynthia winks at me " thanks" she says to Mila and comes to me holding my hand and i instantly get butterflies in my tummy. the girls laugh at me and i stick my tounge out at them then i start to walk with cynthia to my bunk " so this is where you sleep?" she asks and i nod... its small but fits two " i say winking and she laughs " lets text it " she says with a smirk and starts to get in it and i get in after her... we lay there facing eachother and she has the cutest smile " its nice to meet you Ally Brooks " i laugh and bite my lips nervously " nice to meet you too Cynthia Morales " << not even cure if i gave her a lasy name alreayd but ya >> .... cynthia kisses my cheek and i look down knowing for sure that my cheeks are red and she puts her finger under my chin bringing it back up " your so beautiful Ally " she says and i giggle shyly " you are too Cynthia " ... she holds my hand playing with the Palm of it and we lay there just looking at eachother for a while " wanna watch a movie?" i ask and she nods ... i bring out the tiny tv and put in a random movie on which ended up being the notebook " aww i love this movie !" she says and i smile at her cutness " i do too" she puts her arms around bringing me close and i cuddle up to her chest and she starts to play with my hair... this feels so perfect until... " SELFIEEE " she girls scream and jump into my bed " WHAT THE FUCK GUYS " i scream freaked out and Mila laughs evily " sorry .... thats what u get ... payback" .. i look at them all odd " for what?" they giggle " now that you have a girlfriend we get to inturrupt you hehe " Dinah says and kisses manis cheeks " HOLD UP!" cynthia says and we all lok at her :" you and Normani aree...." dinah nods and smiles " Yupp!" cynthia laughs " that is so perfect omfg... why arent you out like camren?" she asks " welllll we decided not to because like... idk they would think something is up if all of fifth harmony is hooking up with eachother ... and i dont think simon would enjoy having to deal with that press" normani says and she nods " will you guys come out?" lauren asks and i look to cynthia but she looks at me for an answer.." ummm im not sure. what do you think " i ask and she kisses my cheek " its whatever you want babe.. its your career " she says and i blush and they girls scream "AWWW " for the millionth time today " thank you " i say and i glare at the girls " go... NOW" i say and mila puts her hands upi " sheesh!" they all leave and i close the curtains " are we... ykno..." cynthia asks " if you want to... i would love too " she smiles and nods " ow your completly mines " she says and i giggle.. she hugs me and we we let go she presses her lips on mine and that is the best kiss i have ever had... i smile looksing at her for a while but my phone vibrate sand i groan checking it 

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