Chapter 16 ST Louis

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Laurens POV

Its been a couple hours since we woke up and Camila is totally ignoring me in every way possible. When i saw her up i tries to talk to her but she ignored me and left to the Venue here. Then when she came back she was texting and wouldnt look to me when i was talking to her. it is now 3PM and she is still the same.... i wonder who she is texing. UGH ...." Camila..." no answer " Karla" she just got more pissed. " Camila please i need to explain!" FINALLY she looked up at me and i see shes waiting for an explination. i sit in front of her and take a deep breath. " Keaton... he cheated on me. We broke up, our relationship in that sense is over. BUT he helped me realize how much i liked you. i domt kow how and it wasnt intentinaly but after hiim i had it with jerks so i decided to try you since everytime we were together i got butterflies Camz." i sigh and she dosent say anything. she just sits there looking at me. " Yesterday he needed help getting a girl, she was just someone that he didnt understand so i helped him out as sort of a thank you for him helping me, even though he didnt know it....... Camila he got the girl, thats what i did.  Im so sorry for ignoring you i didnt mean to Camila.. baby please? believe me." After everything i said she was still silent. I dropped my head and sighed " ok... i said all i could" i get up and head over to my bunk.. i really lost her. nice lauren, ugh im such a stupid bitch. why did i do that! ... i feel tears coming down my cheeks. I lay there in my bunk for an hour just thinking and crying. i have the urge to go cut but i hold on to anything just so i dont.. im proud of myself in that sense.  After a while i hear them calling my name and when i look up i see an open chair and make up. Camila looks so perfect as usual. When we finish we head out of the venue and start the show.

Its the last song of the show and Camila STILL hasnt looked at me... spoken to me.. nothing and i just miss her so damn much. We are at the meet and greet and im signing all the poster. Not even the harmonizers can make me happy today. Theres this dude that passes by with a pizza box and i totally know thats for Camila.. i mean who else right??.. He is at camila and he opens the box. It says his number and If she would go to prom with him and he is totally blushing. im pissed off as fuck at the moment and i get up not being able to control myself . " you know she has a girlfriend right?" i say attempting not to sound like a bitch with much success. " i know lauren but... shes just so perfect i had too. your really a very lucky lady, i hope you dont mind" i give him a fake smile and  Camila looks at me kind of mad but her attention goes back to the guy. She keeps the box and said she would call him and we continue with the meet and greet. 

When we get back on the bus Camila sits there with the box and copies down the number nd i just watch her, " your actually going to go?" i say not being able to hold back my questions anymore. " Maybe... why are you asking" i sigh in relief that she Finally acknowleged my existance. "because i love you.. and i kinda want to know if your still... mines" i say nervously. She gets up and holds my hand pulling me to the couch to sit next to her "Lauren... you really hurt me yesterday and so i did the same to you today. now we are even ok?" i look at her in understandment " alright....." ... then i realize my question still hasnt been answered " Camila!" i say before she leaves and i hold her hand. " Yes Lolo?" she says turning back " you still didnt answer my question" she winks at me and just walks away.... im so confused. Do i still have my Camz or not? Ugh this is going to be a long night.

Camila POV 

Ive been ignoring lauren all day and it hurts me so much but she deserves it. She told me what was actually going on with keaton and i understand but im still pissed that she ignored me so im gave her the same treatment today. When that guy gave me the Pizza Box i can totally see that she was jelous and mad so i used it to my advantage MWHAHHAHA... " Your actually going to go?" Lauren asks as i copy down the phone number into my phone.... she is totally on edge. why wouldnt i go he looks like a nice guy and its just a dance geez " maybe... why are you asking " i try my best not to smile.. she totally cares for me. " Because i love you... and i kinda want to know if your still... mines" she says in her little nervous voice and i feel my heart skip a beat.. Lauren Jauregui really loves me and im all hers. she has complete control over my heart. of course i will never let her know that, hehe. "Lauren... you really hurt me yesterday and so i did the same to you today. now we are even ok?" i say truthfully. i try my best not to show any emotion but its so hard because im head over heels for this girl right here with those amazing green eyes that can hypnotize me from miles away. " alright....."  i finally hear from here. i guess she is done so i start to walk away but she says my name and grabs my hand " yes Lolo?" i ask turning back to her trying not too see into her eyes. " you still didnt answer my question" .. what question. i think to myself and then i realize the wants to know if im still hers. I have total advantage go i just wink at her and walk away. When i get to my bunk i have the buggest smile on my face. I put the pizza box under my bed and i go shower then i lay in my bed thinking for a while on what i should do about lauren. i want to do something that she will never expect to show her how much i really love her..... this is gonna be epic. That is my last though before my mind drifts off to sleep. 

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