Chapter 36 PART 8

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Camila POV

its been a few week and Lauren and i are sooo perfect everything is right and i intend it to stay like this!... Im in bed in laurens room.... i finally moved in! so i guess its our room now hehe... im sitting between her legs with her laptop and shes on her phone playing with my hair.." Baby what are you doing?" i ask turning to her " texting mi vida " she says ... im her life awwwww! " i sit up putting the computer to the side and i kiss her lips " i seee... well now your kissing " i say and she bites my bottem lip pulling it " and now im biting " she says winking and i giggle sitting on her lap as she moves her hands up and down my legs ... i grab my phone and put on some music and i put Lolly - justin bieber and lauren starts to laugh " this song is soooo.... i dont even know " i laugh and start to sing " she says she love my lolly she loves my lollipop!" lauren shakes her head kissing me so i stop and i kiss her sweetly and i grab the laptop " man all the harmonizers are sending me this link... " i say and she looks at the screen " click on it then " she says and i click on the link... it starts to load and a photo of two girls in starbucks come up... one is kissing the other girls neck... man that looks like demi... hm .. " this is weird oh well " lauren says clicking out of the photo " hold up! theres a reason its being sent to me " i say opening it again and i look closely... the blonde hair... the girl with brown hair ... the shoes.. hey those are Lolos favirote shoes... that jacket i've seen before... no no no!... no this is not ... is it... no it cant " is it true?" i look up to see laurens eyes already tearing up " it was a long time ago!" she says in defense " when?" .... i say quitely " the say we go back together remeber i went to starbucks with her? but what happened is that the guy was being a total perv so i did that to make him shut up shut up!" i nod getting up grabbing my keys and i walk out of the house to my car with lauren screaming to me " CAMZ COME BACK " she screams " Later " i say getting into the car and pulling out... i need time to myself... 

Ive been driving around LA for 3 1/2 hours with the girls blowing up my phone but i got a call from cody " Ello?" i say " ey mate how are you!" he says putting a smile on my face " im great... just driving around whats up?" i ask " im in boreddd and was wondering if you could come over Alli and i are just filimg a music video " he say and i laugh " how can you be bored?! your doing a music video!" i say " well i want you to be in it... for pretty brown eyes " he says and i smile " of course dude! that would be epic... send me the address ill be there in a sec" ... we hang up and i get the address driving there with my phone telling me where to go and i text dinah so they dont wory " Shooting a music video with cody.. probably will be late DMac " ... 

i pull up at the house and Cody is outside waiting for me .. he looks so cute in a tank top and cargo shorts " Hey love!" he says hugging me " hey aussie!" we laugh walking inside " alright, the video is just a pool party and your the lead " he says quickly and i stop " lead?!" ... " yeah are you cool with that?" he says and i shrug " its cool.... legoo!" i say getting excited... cody shows me to hair and make up and i put on this weird tank top the goes up in the back and some red shorts.. i look cute " do you have any bows?" i ask and the hair styles pass' me a red one " cody did say you would ask for one " she said and i smile putting it on " READY!' i say running out and i see a bunk of good looking people around a pool and ALOT of capri sun " ello im alli!" cody's sister says hugging me " hi ive heard alot about you " i say " as have i " she says winking at cody and i smile " alright... this will be a simple shoot just have fun alright?" the director screams behind me and we all nod " alright camila your going to go to the front of the house and open the door for cody " he says and i walk over... the music starts and i hear a knock at the door so i open it smiling as the camera shoot me... " CUT" the director says and everyone scatters away to the next scene...

we finished the first verse and chouras now we are starting the scene for the second verse ... im standing around a group of people and the cameras are rolling as cody come and says hi to us or pretends to and then he starts to dance and trying to impress me... hes an awesome dancer and they fild ally looking annoyed which was funny... the director tells me to start walking over to him slowly and i do and when i get to him he opens his arms up for a hug while singing and the director calls my next move... i smile cause this is going to be awesome.... while im walking over and his arms are open i push him into the pool laughing and it was so epic... best thing i ever got to do. for the video lol... he came up soaking wet without his shirt.. he slipped his hair and got out of the pool and i was still laughing, he throws his shirt and it lands on my feet and we then Ryan Beatty this really cool singer that i loooovvveeee is skate boarding into the pool and he jumps in... this music video is so awesome.. everyone ends up falling into the pool even ally but not me cause i still have to shoot which i was kinda bummed out about but cody spent time with me while they were filiming his friends in the pool....

We are at  last scenes, Cody and i are sitting on this awesome black mustang and he is playing guitar serinating me as we look at the sun.. it was so cute.. i just had to smile and look at him.  the director yells cut when cody finishes singing and we all clap because we finished shooting and cody hugged me " thank you so much for coming " he said and i smile " no thank you... you got my mind off of shit that happened ykno " i say and he nods " wanna talk about it?" he asks and i sigh " ehh.. its just that i saw a photo of lauren kissing demi and it was a while back but... its bothering me " i say and he hugs me " dont worry about it the past is the past.. Camren should live on!" he says and i giggles " thank you so much cody " i say and he kisses my cheek " now go to yous lady... and if she ever hurts you ... i gotchu ok cutie?" i nod and i grab my keys saying bye to everyone and i drive back to the house...

When i open the door of the loft i see everyone except lauren sitting on the couch " hey guys " i say smiling " hey mila had fun?" Dinah asks and i nod smiling " it was awesome i got to push him in the pool... wheres lolo i need to talk to her " i say and they all point to the room... i run into the room and i see Lauren crying on Demi's chest and i stop at the door " oh.... um... i should.... ya" i say akwardly and i start to walk backwards out of the door " Wait camila!" demi says and i shrug .. " lauren needs you " she says and i look at her teared filled eyes looking at me " but she has you..." i say walking out... as i close the door i stop and think  ' why the fuck did i just say that '.. i turn back and the door opens and i end up running into lauren hitting out heads together and we laugh " ouchhh " she whines and i kiss her forhead " you alright?" she nods looking at me nervously " are we ok?" she asks and i nod hugging her tightly " its all ok " we smiles kissing my lips and i smile on her lips " ok well i see you too are alright..... i guess ill go " demi says smiling weakly and i hug her " demi... thanks for taking care of lauren when i dont " i say and she nods hugging me back " take care of her ok?... shes special " demi says and i nod " i know... " demi walks to lauren giving her a hug and lauren walks her out talking for a while at the door and i change into diffrent clothes " so where did you go today?" lauren asks walking into the room " i filmed a music video with cody and ryan beatty and alli simpson it was a really fun pool party " i say and she nods " cant wait to see it " she says and i smile " me either... " .. lauren and i get into the bed and i wrap my arms around her waist " lauren ... lets trust eachother ok?" she nods kissing my cheek " go to sleep mila.. youve had a long day " she says and i smile cuddling in her chest and falling to sleep as she said.

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