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MARCH 16, 1943

I think I've lost hope.

MAY 19, 1945


JUNE 12, 1946


AUGUST 30, 1948

As Ricky stood under the stars, the water crashing against the rocks below him, he closed his eyes, standing on his tip toes.

He felt, that in that time, his life purpose was gone. That without Ryan, all he was was the King's son.

As much as he didn't want to blame Ryan for all of this, he had to. Ricky didn't realise how much he cared for Ryan until he was gone.

The same could be said for Ryan.

As he was walking through the forest, he could hear the familiar sound of waves crashing and jogged his way there, happy to get some water for the first time in days.

He had found the demon that killed Sky two years ago and made him sorry he ever stepped foot out of Hell. After that, he was just wandering around aimlessly, killing just about everyone demon that crossed his path with death threats.

As soon as Ryan stepped out of the woods, though, he saw a man on the cliff, his feet half of the edge.

Ryan could recognise that figure any day.

He couldn't stop him, though. Before Ryan could even get a word out, Ricky jumped, his body flying through the air, later hitting the water.

Without a second thought, Ryan ran to the ledge and jumped, his body hitting the same place Ricky's did.

After looking around in panic and seeing no body, Ryan dived under, his eyes catching the tip of Ricky's fingers.

A stake may kill vampires, but they can also try and do this; drown themselves until they eventually died of starvation.

Ryan's fingers bushed Ricky's, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the surface.

"Ricky!" He yelled, gently tapping Ricky's cheek, "Ricky!"

After getting no answer, Ryan picked Ricky up, swimming him to shore where he laid Ricky's unconscious body on the damp sand.

"Come on, Ricky." Ryan pleaded, before giving Ricky CPR, still not getting any signs of movement.

Ryan fell back then leaned forward again and resting his head on Ricky's chest.

This wasn't supposed to happen. He told himself, tears falling down his face. This should be me.

Ryan moved his head back up, giving Ricky's chest a small punch.

"This should be me." He mumbled, hitting Ricky's chest again as he yelled, "You were supposed to move on!"

That time, Ricky let out a small cough, then started to cough up the water from his mouth as he leaned on his side, trying desperately to get the water out of his throat.

"Oh my God." Ryan whispered, quickly pulling Ricky into a hug.

Ricky was confused. The most he could see of this person was their back. He couldn't get any words out because of the weight that started pulling him down, telling him to try and sleep.

As Ryan pulled away, he held Ricky's face in his hands, looking down at the half asleep boy.

"R-Ryan?" Ricky asked, wanting nothing more than to stay awake.

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