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Ricky stomped on and over the dead leaves and fallen down trees, trying not to be too fast.

Ever since Ryan called him, he wanted to just leave and find him. As far as he knew, he was only a few minutes from where he, Ryan, and the hunters were meeting up. The more he walked, the faster he did, the excitement finally getting to him.

"Christ, Ricky," Chris breathed out, trying his best to keep up, "Slow down."

"Why don't you hurry up?" Ricky smirked, speeding his walk up as he saw the clearing.

Just as he pushed past the trees, a figure to his right appeared, causing his head to snap that way and meet the eyes of Lynn.

She laughed before running to him, wrapping her arms around his neck with a small squeal.

Ricky chuckled, spinning her around a few times before setting her back down.

"Holy shit," She gasped, poking his cheek, "This wasn't in my head?"

Ricky shook his head, "Nope, if I wanted to-"

Ricky was cut off as the sound of leaves crushing and twigs snapping was heard, his head spinning to the side just as Ryan emerged from the trees, his head down for a few seconds before he looked up to see if anyone was there, Ricky somehow being the first he sees.

Shock, joy, excitement, longing... Those were few of the many emotions they felt when their eyes locked.

They both may've been extremely old, but they never had really spent much time together. Yet, they felt something so strong for one another. Really, it surprised them both how much they would give up to be with each other and what they would do to be with each other.

Ryan gasped before taking a step forward, his jaw shaking.

Ricky looked back to Lynn as she nodded her head, pushing him to the side.

Ricky wasted no time in running to Ryan, wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck, burying his head in Ryan's neck.

Ryan used on arm to hold Ricky up by his waist, using his other to stroke Ricky's hair back, both of their breathing heavy.

"I was so scared this wasn't real." Ryan whispered, his hand moving to Ricky's neck.

"It is," Ricky pulled away, his hands still on Ryan's neck as he played with his hair, "I promise."

Just as Ryan leaned in, whispers and giggles were heard from the other side of the clearing, causing him to sigh and rest his forehead against Ricky's.

Ricky bit his lip, his eyes closed, "I suppose we should, uhh, go back to them...?"

Ryan chuckled, kissing Ricky's cheek, "I guess we should."

Ricky awkwardly unwrapped his legs from Ryan's waist, intwining his and Ryan's hand as they walked back to where the others were, giving Vinny, Brian and Alex a small hug before moving back to Ryan who was staring at Kuza and Ghost, confused.

He felt that there was some tension, because he had left after they tried to get him back. But he wasn't going to stay knowing that the things that were going on were going on. Those two people alone caused Ryan's head to tilt, frowning at them.

"Where the others?" Ryan asked, confusing everyone but Kuza and Ghost.

Just as Ghost was about to speak up, Kuza cut him off, taking a step towards Ryan.

"After you left to 'avenge Sky' because you loved him so god damn much," He snit, glaring, "We were attacked. Trenton, Ghost and I were the only ones that made it out. They chased after us... Trenton died because of you," Kuza spat, shaking his head, "They all did."

Ryan looked down, "I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"I don't care what you didn't know," Kuza said, his eyes slits, "You practically killed them all."

Ryan was surprised with how cold Kuza was being, because usually he was nice. Obviously talking about the past he had was touchy, just as it was with everyone else.

Did Kuza feel bad for snapping at Ryan like that? A little. Did he regret it? No. He was sick of being nice all of the time, he needed something, someone, to take his anger out on. Ryan was the only one he had the right to.

Angelo fiddled with his fingers, slowly inching back, "Why don't we spend the night at the house...? We can-" He stopped just as Ryan span around and ran into the woods, Ricky quickly following.

"Should we...?" Vinny asked, looking to where Ryan and Ricky had run off.

"No," Chris shook his head, already making his way to the house, "Give them time.

Chris knew Ryan wasn't going to be in the best mood when he and Ricky returned, but he also knew he wouldn't be in the best mood when Ricky caught up to him. Besides, Chris felt that Ryan and Ricky needed to get a few off their chests. Not on a phone, or in a letter, or through translations. But face to face, both fully there, and both fully aware. Ricky was his best friend, the last thing Chris wanted to do was make him feel empty or alone. Because, as far as Chris could see, Ryan was the only one who prevent all of that from happening. He wasn't right, but he wasn't wrong.

When Ricky finally caught up to Ryan, he instantly remembered where they were, and why he was there in the first place.

Ricky sighed, moving so he was standing next to Ryan, their arms brushing against each other.

"Ricky..." Ryan trailed off, his eyes running over the water, "I'm so sorry. I put you through Hell, literally, and for what? Just so I didn't have to face reality? I-"

Ricky cut Ryan off, stepping in front of him, "I don't care about all of that. I don't, Ryan. All of that is in the past," He slightly chuckled, looking down for a few seconds, "Besides, I came back from Hell and went straight to my Heaven."

Ryan snorted and Ricky looked down, his cheeks red, "Nice one."

"Too cheesy?" Ricky asked, looking up at Ryan with a smile.

"A little," Ryan chuckled, smiling down at him, "But it was nice."

Ricky grinned, grabbing Ryan's hand and gently tugging on it, "Come on, please."

Ryan sighed, "Kuza wants nothing more than to kill me right now. I don't-"

"Stuff Kuza. Please." Ricky pouted, smiling.

"You don't want to know how we know each other?"

Ricky shook his head, "Nope. I trust you."

Ryan leaned down and kissed Ricky's forehead, resting a hand on Ricky's waist as he started walking back to the house.

Ricky wanted to know, but he did trust Ryan to know it wasn't too serious. And, if Kuza was righty and Ryan did love Sky, Ricky didn't want to know. Just the thought alone made him want to cry, but hoped it wasn't serious serious. Besides, Ryan agreed that everything that happened before he was reunited with Ricky was in the past, so Ricky let it go. Well, as much as he could, anyways.

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