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Vinny, Alex and Brian were each sharpening their weapons, trying their best to ignore Ryan's presence.

For Ryan's sake, they all hoped Lynn and Ricky wouldn't be in until later. Then again, Alex was close to staking Ryan where he stood. Lucky for all of them, though, Chris walked into the room, tired and grumpy.

"Seriously," Chris growled, "Why can't you just shut up?"

Ryan simply shrugged his shoulders, smirking at the fact he managed to piss everyone off.

"You say one more thing," Chris warned, "I'll lock your ass downstairs."

With that, Chris walked back upstairs and to his room where Angelo was waiting, still half asleep.

"Was it Ryan?" He asked, his voice slightly groggy.

Chris sighed, crawling into the bed and next to Angelo, "Yeah."

Angelo snuggled closer to Chris, lightly kissing his neck before mumbling, "We'll get him back before it gets worse."


At least, that's what Angelo wanted to believe. He knew it would only get worse as time moved on. And, he was right; it did get worse.

Days passed and Ryan was just throwing insults left, right and centre. Then weeks passed, and he had started messing with everyone's things.

He knew, on the inside, that what he was doing was wrong. But, on the outside, he was doing all of that just to get on their nerves. And, it was working.

By the time three weeks rolled around, everyone agreed on locking Ryan downstairs. As much as Josh and Ryan Ashley didn't like the idea at first, they later saw it was the best thing to do.

Ryan was completely fine with being locked up down there. He didn't want to hurt anyone more than what he already had. But, Ryan had a massive problem with it. His threats cut through Ricky like he was nothing. Ryan wanted nothing more than to just hug Ricky, but he couldn't. He was incapable of doing anything. Really, the only thing he could do was ask for Ryan Ashley or Josh to come down and help. So, that's what he did.

Ryan Ashley, please come down here and help me.

Why? Is something wrong?

No, I just want to speak to Ricky. But, you know...

I'll be down in a second.

Ryan growled, angry at the fact Ryan had done what he did. He didn't want anyone else in here. Ricky's sad eyes were enough to just make him a 'miserable', smirking piece of crap.

As there was a knock on the door, Ricky looked through the bars to see who it was, opening it for Ryan Ashley.

He was more than relieved to have someone else in the room with him. He didn't know how much longer he could take Ryan. He was close to breaking down, or punching him square in the face.

"Ricky, Ryan wants to talk to you." Ryan Ashley said softly, sitting in a chair away from Ryan.

"He has been this whole time." Ricky snit, his eyes narrowed at Ryan.

"No, Ryan wants to speak with you."

Ricky's breath hitched as he slowly moved towards Ryan, ignoring the glare Ryan sent his way as he sat next to him.

I'm sorry, Ricky.

"He said he's sorry." Ryan Ashley mumbled, tears already forming in her eyes as she listened to the regret in Ryan's voice.

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