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"Ryan Ashley!" Ryan called, walking to her and giving her a hug, "It's good to see you and Josh back. I wish it was under different circumstances, but..."

She gave him a weak smile and a small pat on the shoulder, "I'm sorry about Ricky. We'll get him back, though, don't worry."

Ryan nodded and looked down.

He loved Ryan Ashley to death, but he didn't want her sympathy. Ricky wasn't dead, so he didn't want to be treated like he just lost the love of his life. He was grateful that they cared, though.

"Ryan!" Franccesca, one of the witches, called, grabbing his attention, "We have a location on about half a dozen of Michael's men. They're in an old, rundown house a few miles from here."

Nodding, Ryan ordered, "Get Mike, Telle, Luke and Beau. We're going to go find out where Ricky is."

She nodded and ran off to find the three wolves and vampire.

Ryan was determined. He was mad at Ricky for leaving, but he set that aside and did everything he possibly could to find him. So far, they were taking baby steps, but soon they would turn into soldier leaps. It was only a matter of time before he found Ricky and Nikki, and won the war.


Franccesca held the far end of the house with Mike whilst Luke and Telle had the other sides, Ryan taking the front door.

After successfully kicking it down, he made his way in, his eyes red and fists balled at Angels in front of him.

"Where's Michael?" He growled.

One Angel–who looked to be the leader–, stepped forward, smirking at Ryan, "You must be after that kid," He tisked, then shook his head, "Bad choice, 'cause he ain't gonna last too much longer. Not with the way we're treating him."

Those words alone were enough to set Ryan off. He whistled, signalling the others to make their way in and kill every Angel but the leader, doing so in seconds.

"Now," Ryan said, his voice low, "Where is he?"

The Angel only shook his head, "You'll have to kill me be-"

He was cut off by Ryan ripping his heart out.

At the point in time, Ryan wasn't going to take that sort of shit from anyone or anything. He didn't have the time, either. He wanted to do one thing, and one thing only. Nothing would be able to stand in his way without getting destroyed.

"Man, I hate Angels." Mike mumbled before walking out of the house, the others following.

It had been at least four centuries since he had seen Michael, and that was for something better than war. He and Michael used to be great friends, but when Michael tried to harm Ghost and force him into a relationship without Mike, Mike tried to kill him. Of course, Michael had much more power on his side, so Mike and Ghost barely made it out alive. But, Mike did take out a few of his men, not that that would help now anyways, they've only been replaced. He was more than ready for this, though. After all, he's fighting for family. There's nothing stronger than the bond they each hold. Nothing.


Ricky's chin was against his chest as he fought to stay awake.

Another day had passed, and he was starting to lose hope. Hope in himself, his sanity, and Ryan. He knew Ryan would be coming, he just didn't know when. That was what made him weaker, though. And Ricky had never been one for praying, or that much hoping, so he wasn't going to start. It was a waste of time, as he saw it. He wasn't going to beg for his life, when he could be begging for Nikki's or Ryan's. He wasn't going to beg, in general. He didn't see the use of it.

"This is your final chance, Rick." Michael said, walking into the room with his arms behind his back.

Ricky didn't even raise his head because he was so lifeless and tired, he simply groaned.

Sighing, Michael yelled for someone to get Ricky some blood.

He wasn't given enough to make him his usual strength, but enough to walk and talk without stumbling over his feet.

Ricky spat his own blood out of his mouth and kept his head down, "Screw. You."

Michael pursed his lips and took a step forward, grabbing a fistful of Ricky's hair and jerking his head back, "I don't think you have any idea what I'm capable of, Rick."

"It's Ricky." He mumbled, receiving another jerk from Michael.

"I don't give a fuck what it is," He whispered, "You can either join me now, or die now. Your choice."

Ricky didn't even think about it, because joining Michael would be the worst thing he could do. Not only would Ryan have to see him like that, but he would most likely have to do something about it. So, Ricky played it his way.

"Do you want me to say hi to Ronnie for you?" Ricky mumbled, slightly chuckling.

Just as Michael was about to make his move and kill Ricky, the blue haired woman ran through the door, her eyes wide.

"Sir," She breathed out, "On the fields, t-there's-they're-"

"Spit it out!" Michael snapped.

"Light creatures. There's thousands of them."

Michael let out a growl and pushed Ricky forward, "Now they come," He shook his head, then pointed to the woman, "Get him up and out there. They're only here for him. Get the Demon, too!"

Ricky didn't know whether to be happy, or worried, or both. After seeing how much man power Michael had, he wanted Ryan to have just as much. But, the woman did say 'thousands', so Ricky started to think Ryan found a lot of friends. He'd need them, after all.


Ricky kept his head down, trying to block out the very little noise.

This was on him, he knew that. But, he'd rather it be like this, than turned tables. If this was how he'd go, he'd be happy with it. After all, he had already told Ryan everything he ever wanted to say. Though, he didn't get to spend as much time as he wanted to.

Ryan, on the other hand, kept his head high, his eyes running over the hundreds, thousands, of creatures that stood one hundred metres away, his fists balled.

He couldn't be mad at Ricky. He knew exactly where he was coming from, and why he did it. You could say it was like a 'how does it feel?' thing, only with more caring and love into it.

He loved Ricky, more than anything and anyone in the whole world. He wanted to just run and get him back, but it wasn't that simple.

With the hundreds of friends and creatures behind him, he felt stronger than ever, and more than willing to carry this out.

As Ricky slowly raised his head, his eyes met the ones of Ryan's.

Instantly, every emotion he had heightened. Love, anger, determination...

Being at the front, he could only hope he wouldn't be injured too bad. But, that was a leap of faith.

Eyes latched onto his lover's, Ryan knew this was going to be the fight of their lives. This was war, and he'd be fighting until his final breath. After all, it was Ricky who he was fighting for. It'd take more than a knife in the chest to fall down.

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