The Start

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(Quick thing, don't think Sam ever mentioned what his mom's name was so I made it up)

At the very dead of night, two lovers made their way to a friend's house.

Cassandra Gladiator was a highly influential woman in the business industry and had not once in her pregnancy stopped going to work. In fact, the young women told no one but a friend and her husband. In Cassandra's time, bunny hybrids were stereotyped-
*as frog/fish men are now
And her family and business partners were no different to the rest when it came to the racism.
However, Cassandra had fallen in love and married Stanley Gladiator, a rabbit hybrid. She was criticized by her family and partners at the time but, over time they had let it go. This was due to the fact that Stanley was a big part of the carrot market and how it gave an opportunity to her partners. Though the criticism lightened, it did not disappear. So when Cassandra was told she was pregnant, her fleeting joy turned to horror at what might be said and how it would affect her career. So she hid her condition and convinced others into thinking it was a dozen medical reasons ranging from poor health choice to thyroid problems. However, at 12:45 am, her water broke. She wasn't going to a doctor. She was on magazine covers, she had ad deals, she was the best in the industry! Who was going to keep quiet about her giving birth to a potential hybrid? She went to the only person she could trust, a retired nurse and friend, Jane. She'd even understand because recently she have birth to a frog hybrid and since Cassandra had a little blackmail, knowing the father, she knew her silence was guaranteed. She banged on her door in a now wet nightgown (yucky), Stanley helping her stand.


The woman came to the door shocked.


Cassandra gave a fearful, knowing look at the woman.
"Please, help me, Jane."
She now completely understood.

"Get in, now!"

She helped her up the stairs to her bathroom and turned on the water to the tub.

"Alright get in"


Jane's look turned curious.


"Never wanted a water birth."

She giggled for a second as Jane smiled, however, contractions shortened the moment. Stanley helped her in as told him to grab the medical scissors she kept and told him to boil them in water until she directed him otherwise.

"Alright, just take it easy, this is only child's play right now."

"Oh, great. Wonderful news-"

She did not hold back her yell as a less than tolerable contraction popped up. After around an hour, the baby's head could be seen. Jane immediately told Stanley to take out the scissors with gloves and dose them with alcohol.

"You're doing fantastic, Cass. I'm almost jealous."

Cassandra was not amused. Moments after Stanley came up, the baby had been born. Jane had fished the little worm out, dried and wrapped it.

Cassandra was a little worried at her silence.


"I know it's what you were afraid of-"

"Oh, Gord no..."

"Hey, let me finish, and for once forget your job, okay?"

Cassandra nodded. Her eyes watered as Jane leaned over, letting her see its face.

"You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, with princely white ears."

She sighed in relief and happiness, now crying joyfully. While rabbits were seen differently, white ears were seen as royalty to hybrids and specific people. Cassandra was washed off and given clean clothes.
*Since Stanley ran home since it was just across the street
She was sent to the guest room, where she held her sweet little boy. Stanley walked in after thanking Jane.

"So, what are we naming him?"

"Hm... I don't know."

"Is 'I don't know' ok with that name?"

She gave a light laugh, playfully punching the man.

"Alright... Well, it has to be strong, yeah?"

"... Well, what about Sam? Strong, quick, to-the-point."

"I always saw Sam as a nickname. How about Samson?"

"No, no, I've got it."

"Go on, then."

"Samuel. That way his name is accurate if he ends up like me."

Stanley gave a confused look at her.

"Don't you get it? Sam-Mule. That way it's stubborn, too."

".... I love you, but that was awful."

They laughed.

"Too bad, I like it."

"Welp, there's no changing your mind, then. Welcome to the world, Sammy-boy."

For the short moments, she took a vacation, she was loving and happy and peaceful.

But, she had to go back to the cruel reality. Her choices would affect her career, the only thing she worked up to...... And soon the only thing she'd care about

Well, there you go. This is my first try at posting my weirdo ideas so..... JUDGE ME. Seriously I would love if someone sees this to give me a little advice on what I could tweek here and there. Anyway if you read this thanks for your time!

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