New homes and Growing hopes

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Today was the day, the day Sam would find his home at the Bop house. He was incredibly excited as he got into Jin's car from the hospital. He watched the hospital and waving nurses fade away. Question scattered his thoughts. Where would he sleep? Would they still like him? What did they eat? Would he have a strict schedule like before? As he spotted a large pale yellow house, he felt his stomach turn. Whether it was nerves or the joy, he wasn't totally sure. Jin got out after parking in the driveway and opened Sam's door. He was cautiously looking over the house, silently counting windows to calm himself down. Jin took notice and picked the boy up. He spoke to him while making his way to the door.

"You shouldn't worry so much. It's not like you'll be living with strangers."

His ears perked as an embarrassed blush made him turn away. Jin merely laughed.

"It's going to be fine, your jitters will end when you and JJ see each other. He's been dying to show you all your toys. He picked out most of them himself."

Hearing that eased the boy's mind. He slightly feared how his presence would affect everything. Knowing his arrival was happily anticipated made his racing mind calm a bit. As Jin turned the key to open the door, it instantly filled again. He was ecstatic thinking about all the new things he had, including JJ himself. A new brother, a best friend, just like he'd seen on TV. The way they clicked was something amazing. Maybe it was because Sam never really had friends before, let alone a brother, but he loved JJ. Jin walked them both into the house and set Sam down. It was quaint. Oak floors, white walls, all shiny and bright. The couch was right there when you walked in, a TV in front of it as well as coffee table, a counter divided the living room from the kitchen- all in all it was pretty close together so far. Of course since Sam was the product of two incredibly successful, albeit awful, people, he wasn't accustomed to it. He was used to his large room in a large house with lots of things. Yet, Sam preferred this place. While his old home was big and luxurious, it was cold and empty. This place oozed with warmth and, though no one was there, it felt busy. Sam couldn't help the growing smile and sense of wonder. Somehow, this felt more like a home than 'home' did.

Cordelia comes down in a sliver blouse and jeans, right as a timer went off. She looked over as she checked something in the oven with a grin.

"Sammy! Oh, you're finally here. Dinner is almost ready, but JJ is dying to show you your room. He set up your side himself."

She closes the oven and walks towards the little hybrid. Placing a kind hand on his shoulder she pointed her chin to the stairs as she speaks.

"Go on, he's waiting."

She pets his curly hair and as he slowly moves over she calls to him.

"And Sam?"

As he turned around, Jin places an arm around Cordelia and she holds the hand on her shoulder in return. The words he heard warmed him from the inside out.

"Welcome home."

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