The surprise

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It was three days later and Dr Jin decided it was time to really get to the issue....a different one.

"Hey, good morning Sam."

The little boy, still in his PJs, rubbed his eyes, giving an awkward wave at the same time.


Jin pulled out a bag, which quickly caught Sam's attention. His nose twitched more and more as the doctor grew closer. It was to the point where Sam was holding his pants and his tail wagged, teaching up to bring the man's arm down, completely entranced in his curiosity. Dr Jin laughed, even harder when he tried to lift his arm away and Sam just dangled, refusing to release.

"OK, buddy, I think someone's awake now, yeah."

Dr Jin's voice laced was laughter. Moving Sam over a chair at the table Jin managed to wiggle Sam into the seat, only by slowly lowering the bag at arms length away. Sam now seeing that the bag was for him looked up at Dr Jin (above him) with a big smile.

"What's in it?"

"Ooh, so now you notice me?"

"Well I always notice you, but it's smells good in there!"

Jin smiled.

"Well I thought I might've been a bit stereotypical, but Stanley told me that you actually love carrots-"


He laughed again, nodding. He carefully pulled something out, it was in a plastic container, it seemed.

"You could say that.... Remember how you said your birthday was soon?"

Sam's eyes lit up, the first true happiness he'd felt, other than when his father came home. It was a carrot cake! Kinda. It was cut in little squares and put together. Each piece was told apart easy because each single piece had a heart cut carrot. A few together spelled out:
H A P P Y 4th B I R T H D A Y , S A M❗


Jin seemed extremely satisfied with Sam's freak out.

"Neato, yeah? You're dad made it himself, he even let me cut out a heart!.... It's that one."

"..... Is that an arrow?"

"Hey! I tried, I'm a therapist not a craftsman of carroteering."

"... Carroteering?"

".... Just eat it."

Sam laughed and grabbed a piece with his hands shoving his face with cake. Dr Jin ruffled his curly locks.

"Happy birthday, you little devil."

Sam's giggle gave Dr Jin a warm feeling deep in his chest. He remembered such simpler time, when you just enjoyed the time you had. Jin sighed a little sad at his own life, finding littler time to spend with his own family.
At the same time he looked down Sam looked up, smiling, his face covered in frosting. That warm fuzzy feeling filled his chest again. More that he thought about it, ever since they meet, he felt it more often.
Sam looked sheen as he felt a piece of cake/frosting fall off, causing more laughter. Sam loved it's sound, a happy laugh.

"Fank oo!"

That's about all he could muster with his cheeks full.

"You're welcome Sam. Oh! Nearly forgot."

Managing to swallow the cake in a gulp, Sam looked at Jin as he pulled a lump out of his pocket. It was a teddy bear! It had a stitched in engraving on its butt, Sam Gladiator, and Snugglemuffins on its foot.
It was pretty big too!

"This is Snugglemuffins. He's a therapy bear that never got used. I figured you'd like him Sam."

Handing the best over, Sam smiled as he squeezed it tight.

"Guess we were both outcasts, huh?"

Jin's face fell a moment, before he weakly smiled again.

"Yeah, guess so, you both never got to use all that potential... Hey, maybe you two can bring out the best of each other?"

"Maybe.... Mister Jin?"

"What is it Sam?"

"When you think you fixed me.... Will we ever be friends again?"

Jin had to think. His job includes him going EVERYWHERE. If he got sent to America or Iceland, that was that and if Sam was deemed healthy, then nothing held him here.
It was upsetting to think about. Dr Jin found himself attached to Sam, as if he were a second son.

he thought to himself
He's as much my kid now as my own son, I'll find a way to stay where he can get to me, when... If he needs me.

"Sam, we're always going to be friends, there's no doubt to that... Hey."

Noticing Sam still sadden a bit, Jin thought of something.

"As long as you have Snugglemuffins here, you'll find me. I'm going to guarantee it."

Sam, reassured gave a grin as he squeezed the bar tight to his chest. He grabbed a napkin and word his hands since he knew Dr Jin didn't like messy things.

"It's a promise."

Sam locked his pinkie with the Dr's large one.

"A promise... Now let's clean you up"

Jin grabbed another napkin and started wiping the unwilling rabbit's face clean.

Sam stared sharing some cake and later on when he was clean and dressed, Jin guy a great idea.

"Hey Sam, grab a jacket. I'm going to take you somewhere."

Sam's eyes brightened and his eats perked high as he raced for his jacket.

... Yeah... This will be a good idea. Just to let him make a friend, his age.

Done! I finished this between classes so... I'd there are a few typos (like normal) I have an excuse... Me and autocorrect are still going to counseling.
Any who! Hope you enjoyed a long one, reader.
Over and Out.

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