Coming Together

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Jin snapped his fingers.

"He's still my patient. I'd have to keep him under surveillance regardless. He wouldn't be able to go to regular school for a bit, but progress could be made right at home."

Cordelia looked skeptical, still.

"Won't it be odd?"

Jin smiled, an all too cocky look on his face.

"Why yes, Cordelia. JJ would wonder why all of a sudden he had a brand new playmate and why dad had a whole new world of time to play, too."

She huffed at him.


Making an exasperated look in his eyes, he whined at her.

"Whaaat? What could possibly think could go wrong?"

Cordelia grabbed Jin's face. She needed to make sure he wasn't being irrational.

"Jin, anything could go wrong! Sam can take down multiple grown men at the mention of a word. He can hold a rage that almost hellish. He's troubled... And you need to understand that."

Jin shook his head, trying to brush past her words, as if he already knew. Cordelia made sure he would still look at her as she kept him still.

"I mean it. You have to understand that he won't be built back to a normal kid in a day. He clearly has a protective and intense instinct. Whether it be to protect or hurt, I'm still unclear. I want to believe he'd never hurt anyone, but we both saw what he can do. I want you to have a clear image in your head while you do this. I want to make sure your not doing this to be his hero.... But, to be the person to try."

Jin knew what his wife meant. Cordelia stared into his down turned hazel eyes and watched him take her hand away, keeping it intertwined with his. She smiled and lifted his chin to face him properly.

"You know that's all he really wants. I don't think he wants done glorified hero.... I think he wants someone to try for him, like he really meant something. Someone to try to know him, get him, let him feel, let him cry.... And try to make him happy.... I think you're the one who's tried the most for him throughout his life. I'm so proud of you for it, too. But you can get ambitious-"

She giggled as Jin rolled his eyes with a small smile.

"-so I have to make sure you're doing this for the righter reason."

Jin smiled kindly as he barely laughed as he let out a breath. He could be completely radiate warmth. He spoke confidently.

"I wanna try for him... Because I love him and because every kid deserves a chance to live like any normal person.... I need to try and give him that."

Cordelia smiled widely as she kissed him, quite fondly.

"That's my lover..... So ready for another baby?"

Jin laughed.

"Yes, I think I am."

JJ had been falling asleep on the little couch behind them, so he jumped up very quickly when he heard that.


Cordelia laughed as she picked him up.

"No, but you are going to have a brother."

JJ's eyes lit up.

"When do I get him?"

She brought him up to the window and pointed at Sam.

"You've already met him."

JJ have a slightly confused smile.

"How's that work?"

Cordelia looked to Jin. Jin brought JJ into his arms.

"Sam didn't have.... Very nice parents. So, we're going to take him into our family."

JJ nodded, but questioned.

"Why weren't they being nice?"

Jin sighed.

".... It's because Sam is a hybrid."

JJ scrunched up his nose in a funny way.

"But, that's stupid. I thought everyone liked Bunny Rabbits!"

Jin laughed at the innocence in his son's voice.

"Me too. But, I guess some people just aren't nice."

"Where will they go? Are the cops going to keep them?"

Jin let a slight anger loose.

"They'd better."

JJ slipped out of Jin's hand and went into Sam's room.

He and Cordelia watched, unsure of what to do. JJ had sat up on the side of Sam's bed. They seemed to be taking, Sam mostly nodding in a nervous way. Suddenly, JJ seemed to end the conversation with a hug. He whispered something that made Sam's eyes widen and walked out. JJ smiled at his parents brightly as he jumped on the seat he was one in.

"Night mom, night dad."

Not even a word could be asked before he hit his head to the couch and conked out, let alone a question.
It leaves the question of what was said. As far as the two could tell it left both boys sleeping soundly.

Anyone miss me?
Eh, I wouldn't miss me either, I'd be sleeping too much to notice. Thanks for 6k reads my Readers! And thanks for the get wells and Senpais! God I love that term. Any who, I'm gonna go back to sleeping now.... I need it.
Over and Out

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