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Jin and his family were taken to the hospital like Sam, but they checked out fine. They said that Sam was fine and that the bullet went clean through. The bullet hit nothing major, but missed his heart by inches. Jin contacted Sam's father the moment they heard he was stable. Stanley has never been so angry, but rage left once Jin went on.

"Mr. Gladiator, how long were you going to keep from me the true extent of your son's mental state?"

Jin heard nothing and went on.

"Your soon killed three men and you never bothered to tell me this? Not only that, but if I'm correct and I am, it directly connects to trigger words. Do you understand you put my life at risk?"

Stanley said his son was the one in the ER, but after a while apologized. He understood the situation after it was explained and knew Jin couldn't have done anything. Jin still had a question.

"Why aren't you here? Or coming rather?"

Stanley replied something sickening. He was with his wife making a deal, he couldn't leave.

"He's your son, he just got shot, you have to make time for him!"

Stanley pressed on how it wasn't possible and to just watch him for now. Before Jin could argue, Stanley hung up. Jin cursed the man and went to his wife who closely watched JJ pace.

"Jin! What did his father say?"

".... He can't come see his son."

"What?! He was just-"

" He knows. To me, he could care less.... I think it has to do with his wife."

"Sam's mother?"

Jin nodded as a nurse called his name. He moved quickly, his wife picking up JJ and following closely.

"Is Sam, okay? What happened?"

The nurse held up her hands to calm them down.

"Hang on a moment. Now, Sam is stable, but he is asleep. We are unsure of the repercussions from the wound. While he isn't physically a child, he is a hybrid. He may be larger and more intelligent, but his development isn't as similar. We will have to keep him here for quite a while to make sure his rapid growth doesn't stunt the healing process or make his stitches to tight or... burst in his sleep."

Cordelia gasped and Jin instinctively held her. Jin went on to ask.

"H-how long do you think he'll have to stay here?"

The nurse looked at her clip board.

"With his growth rate being a little more than double, I can safely assume at least 1-2 months."

As Jin's face fell and his hand lightly covered his mouth, the nurse felt empathy and put her clip board under her arm.

"I.... If you'd like I can let you see him from outside... And I-I could try to see if the doctor would let you go in. Would that help?"

Jin nodded and led them all to the glass window that was blocked by the curtains. The nurse held up a hand and went inside. The curtains opened and it was crushing. So many wires and machines were connected to him. Jin watched from where he was, not baring this reality. Cordelia lost her grip on JJ and the moment his feet hit the ground he ran to the window, pressing his hands and head against it. The nurse left to find the doctor. After half an hour a man with large blue eyes approached them.

"Hello, Sir. I am Dr. M.D and my nurse tells me that you would like to see your son, personally?"

Jin nodded and the Dr. sighed.

"I don't know how well I can trust his family with him. There are a lot of medical procedures-"

Jin piped up.

"I know them, you may have heard of me? Dr. Jin Bop Senior? American major in health, mental, physical, and emotional. I know all the procedures, please..." 

The Dr. silently watched Jin fight back his emotions. After a few moments of thought, he removed his glasses.

"You understand them, but can you follow them with someone so dear?"

Jin swallowed hard and nodded, head facing down. The Dr. sighed deeply.

"You, alone, can go in. But, remember why the procedures exist. I trust someone like you could try... But, if that were me and my niece... I know I'd forget in an instant."

Jin nodded and the doctor went in first. He then held his arm out, welcoming him in. Jin walked in and the door shut behind him.

Keep it together, don't do anything stupid, don't let your emotions control you...



 dear lord I am tired.

Enjoy, thanks for reading, have a good day!

Also, question will be today! It won't make much sense at first, but you'll see... Sadly, you will see.

Over and Out!

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