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Officer Flare shook her head.

"Well, prosecuting his parents might take a toll, but it has to be done if it really is as bad as you're reacting. He'll have to be placed somewhere and my personal referral will be your family... There's not much say in it, but I suggest you tell him and ask him about.... Whether or not he'd like to press charges."

Jin looked at the woman as if he misheard her.

"He's 4."

"With the mind of an aware and very brave 8 year old. The law states that a hybrids age, due to mental difference, will have his or her age doubled or tripled in any legal matters, which include being both them defendant, plaintiff, witness, or suspect." 

Jin rubbed his eyes, realizing he'd needed to brush up more on Hybrid Rights in college. Regardless he nodded and was escorted back to Sam's room, where he saw him awake talking to JJ from Cordelia's arms. He smiled as he closed the door behind him. Cordelia looked up and, as he came over, lightly pecked his lips. Her voice was wispy and gentle.

"How'd it go?"

Jin took a deep breath and stretched.

"Better than I thought... I kinda... had a moment."

Cordelia held his arm slightly, to which Jin smirked.

"It was fine, sweetheart. But... I need to talk to Sam, one-on-one."

She nodded and told JJ they'd be right back with snacks for Sam and took him out of the room. Sam looked over to Jin, his expression kind of happy and still somehow not.

"Hi doc."

"Hi, Sam.... I have to talk to you."

Sam closed his eyes, letting out his held breath.

"I know... I'm in trouble aren't I, doc?"

Jin shook his head.

"Nope. You're deemed too young."

The little boy's eyes opened in surprise.

"Then, why are you so serious?"

Jin sniffed and propped himself on the guard of the bed with his arms.

"Well... I told the police about your parents."

Sam seemed to slightly panic. Jin continued.

"They would like to know if you want to... To press charges against your parents."

Sam started shaking his head.

"It won't work, she'll just get madder and madder-"

Jin held up a hand.

"I told you I would always be there, right?"

Sam nodded, tears pricking his eyes.

"Well, you're parents were told their child was shot and they continued with a meeting instead, you have no real birth certificate, you have clear signs of trauma, and you were left under my care for a ,far more than acceptable, period of time, alone. That and your mother refusing to let you exist to the press is astoundingly outrageous to me and any judge... Needless to say, you won't ever end up in their care."

Sam felt panic as his mind raced.

"But, then where do I go? Who'd take me in?"

Jin nervously smiled.

"Well, I actually discussed that as well..... And I would really like your permission... If you would like to become apart of my family?"

Sam froze, his mind, his face, even his heart for a moment.

".... You want me?"

Jin nodded. Sam went on.

".... Cur-Cardi-dehilia wants me?"

Jin laughed at the poor attempt at saying his wife's name.

"I know she likes you now, besides I am very persuasive."

Sam blinked.

".... What if JJ doesn't want a brother?"

Jin grinned.

"You kidding? He loves you. Besides, once he finds out HE'S the older brother, I am positive everything will run smoothly."

Jin saw a large twinkle of hope and watched Sam's tears fall.

"So... I can go away? I really can?"

Jin nodded.

"All you have to do is say you want to be an Bop."

Sam smiled.

"I wanna be a Bop, even if that sounds really weird."

Laughter resonated the air, that heavy looking cloud was gone and the despair that surrounded the room eviscerated into hope.                                                                                (Naegi would be proud)

Just then Cordelia came in with JJ, chips, and drinks. Jin quickly put up a finger to Sam and pushed his family back out.

"Jin! We had snacks."

Jin smiled.

"Do you want another son?"

Cordelia jumped.

"gUgh- da- I mean- well ya- we talked about it- like the idea is nice- WAIT. Why this all of a sudden?"

Jin laughed as he went on to another question.

"You like Sam, don't you?"

Cordelia, confused, answered quickly.

"Yes- Wait, what is going on? Are you well?"

Jin took a deep breath.

"Do you want to adopt Sam with me?

Shock hit hard.


Jin was bouncing slightly, he had only been this anxious when talking about having JJ.-nothing compared to the birth freakout-

"Jin, you know I love Sam and we can take care of him, but how will he adjust?"

Jin froze and thought aloud.

"I mean he's quite eager to see the world he missed and JJ seems to help him out majorly, it should turn out well about 95% of the time."

"And the other 5?"

"He's a child of course. He'll probably make friends and hate to leave when we move, that'll stir up a tantrum."

Cordelia grabbed her husband in order to pull him to a certain reality.

"And these fits? What do we do when it happens? If he gets mad with JJ when they're alone?"

Jin thought more into it. He loved Sam, no doubt, but he couldn't risk his family getting hurt. Sure he protected them or, as his logical side put analysis to different scenarios, he fought hard not to hurt us and let us go because there was an outlet to the rage.

What do I do now?

Hey Readers

im sicky

feel crappy

but you guys probably want this

so I push on

as is this cold which is being really on and off with me

Kay bye

Over and Out

QnQ ->Curse you germs!

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