The incident

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Cassandra was successful in hiding her son for a year... Until Stanley was sick for a few days.
Cassandra took the boy to her office for the second time, unaware of the paparazzi waiting for her. Because the boy was a rabbit hybrid he grew only slightly faster so at the age of one he could be seen as three, mentally and slightly physically. So of course he was curious as to why his mother left. Sam decided to find out. He walked around unnoticed until he saw his mother in a meeting room with a dorito spokesman. He walked in on the power point, his blue cap on. Before the man could direct Cassandra's attention toward the little boy he tripped over the wire and somehow pulled down the projector and the cart it was on. There was a cup of coffee and laptop on it as well and needless to say both didn't make it out alive. She was furious and yelled at him.

"Now, now he's just a-"

The man stopped in his tracks as he noticed a fluffy white tail on the boy's backside. He got up and pulled the boys hat off. The man's whole demeanor changed. Knowing her job was at stake she pretended to not know who the boy was. Before anything was done, she said she'd take care of it and grabbed the small boy by his ears pulling him up like a trash bag. She took him outside and brought him to an alleyway. She told him to stay there until sundown or find a way home. He waited... And waited... And waited...
It was far past sundown when he finally realized she was not coming for him. He walked maybe five blocks until he got home. His father was relieved and sent him to his room for a moment. Sam sat on the edge of the bed, listening. His parents were fighting. He cringed as cold, harsh words clear as day rang out in her voice.




Everything drowned out after that. Maybe a minute passed, maybe an hour, but his father came and took him to take a bath. He noticed how sad Sam was when he did.

"What's wrong, boyo? Ticks biting your ears?"


"Come on now, what's up?"

"....I heard what mommy said..."

His father froze.

"W-... What exactly did you hear?"


Tears formed in his eyes.

"That I'm troublesome and I'm worthless and..."

He started to sob before he could finish. Stanley held his drenched head to his chest as best he could with the tub in the way. He hushed his darling boy.

"You are not worthless Samuel, there are big things it there for you."

"Ok, papa, ok."

Sam stifled his cries until it was nothing but hiccups. After he was clean he was put in a blue onesie, picked up, and put in bed.

"... Hey, papa?"

"Yes, Sam?"

"You love me, right?"

Stanley was shocked that he'd ever had to be asked this by his first born. He went over and hugged the boy, tightly.

"Of course I do... You are my darling son and that will never ever change."

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Sam. Now get some rest."

The little boy nodded and got under the covers.
Stanley went in the living room and ran his fingers through his hair.
What life is my boy going to have?

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