So Nearly Close

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"Maybe we should just go home."

Jin was trying to find a way out of the situation at hand, Sam didn't understand though.

"But, we're supposed to go to the arcade aren't we?"

Cordelia was looking at Jin with just as much confusion.

"Jin, is everything alright?"

Jin kept making rapid worried glances at the group outside. Cordelia followed his eyes and froze. Jin walked over to the manager.

"Hi, my name is Jin Bop Senior, I happened to notice a specific group leave during the little message and they have yet to leave."

The man held his hand up laughing.

"Sir, you can't assume the worst for your boy, but if you'd like I can ask them to leave the premises."

Jin nodded. Every step the men to away from them and towards the door, Jin held Sam and JJ closer. Sam looked up, fearful.

"What's going on?"

Jin couldn't help but feel fear and panic. Something about the suited men didn't feel right.

"I don't know, yet."

He watched the men approach the group. Suddenly his expression changed, his body language was sleeping course signs of him bracing himself. The waitress came over, seeing clear fear around the family.

" Is something wrong?"

Jin pointed to the group.

"Who are they?"

He felt stupid asking into her face showed horror.

"The Yakuza!"

A scream followed by a loud noise pierced the tranquility. Sam's ears rang and he reeled back in pain. Jin grabbed him and forced him into Cordelia's hands as he grabbed there son. He saw the color blast against the glass, he saw the silhouette of a pistol, he knew what the screams outside meant. As he ran out the back door with the waitress and his family, he knew what the chime of bells by the for meant. It meant he was right, right to have worried, to have been cautious. He ran, the waitress leading them somewhere under a bridge. The moment she froze he knew. He held JJ closer than he ever had and Cordelia closer. She turned around mouthing 'I'm so sorry' before Jin heard Sam scream.


Jin turned and saw Cordelia trying to grab him back.


He watched a man put a rag over her mouth as she went limp. He tried to move to her when he was grabbed. He watched, helplessly, as a man picked up his son. The last thing he saw was Sam being held by his ears in pain and screaming, his wife being tossed in a van and his boy crying for her to wake up and the waitress struggling until she was pistol whippe and dropped like a fly. His vision slowly died as a white cloth was brought over his mouth. He felt himself hit something and heard cries for two boys. Then he heard and saw nothing.

Told You, Reader!
This isn't exactly what my original idea was, however this idea goes a little smoother.

Thank AddictionDrawin for giving me the idea to bring in the Yakuza!
I wanted to incorporate them, but I didn't know how do I dropped them all together. Now I can smoothly progress the story!

Hope you enjoyed readers!


Cause this isn't the end off the twist yet......



The Secret Is Coming Out.


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