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Niall was terrified and pressed his cat ears to his head.

The older customer Louis had been tending to, glared at the blonde with hatred in his eyes and he spat: „What's that mistake doing here?

Louis who was slowly recovering from his shock said in a hushed voice. "I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, I didn't know he was a hybrid, otherwise I wouldn't have let him in!"

The older man simply glared at Louis before saying. "Get it out. This is my café and these mistakes aren't welcomed in here! They only ruin our business."

Louis nodded frightened and walked over to the hybrid. "I'm sorry, but you have to leave!" Louis begged the blonde boy.

Niall nodded, put the beanie on again before leaving the café in a rush. He stumbled across the road, since with every step his stomach was hurting again and he just wanted to curl into a small ball and sleep.

He walked to a small back lane and when he found a small blanket in a dumpster he curled himself into a small ball and fell asleep not caring about the snow falling and the freezing cold wind.

He shivered in his sleep and every few minutes he woke with a start and only because of exhaustion his eyes fell shut again and it went on for what felt like hours before he passed out completely, exposing himself to the cold completely.

Unbeknownst to him, someone standing outside the café, watched him.

Back in the café Louis was trying to calm the owner of the café down but the older man wasn't listening at all. He was shouting and insulting the hybrid race not realising how much it was hurting his worker.

"These freaks are an imposition to us humans! Why can't they just get killed? It would be easier for us and them!"

Louis sat speechless at the table and stared at Mr. Styles. With a small whimper he said: "But Mr. Styles any woman could get a hybrid child! Would you kill your own child if it was born as one?"

"Of course! I would never call myself a father of something like them! I would kill them with my own hands if needed!" shouted the older man.

Louis shook his head and stood up. He gulped and suddenly two brown coloured cat ears appeared in the mob of his styled head. Mr. Styles who sat there in shock as first, recovered quickly and went to speak, but Louis beat him to it.

"Good to know what you think of me!" Louis said with venom in his voice, ripped the apron from his waist and threw it to the floor.

Mr. Styles stared furiously at the small boy and suddenly sprung up and hit the hybrid straight in his face.

One of the young men who had been waiting outside the café having a smoke suddenly appeared in the café and when he saw his father hitting the hybrid he was furious.

Louis whimpered and flinched away when the man tried to hit him again. With a bolt he stormed out of the café and ran.

"How could you father?" The man said and glared at his father. Louis had become a good friend of him and the young man had known about the small abnormality of the waiter but it hadn't mattered to him and seeing his father hurting his friend was enough.

Louis whimpered lightly at the pain he felt in his face and the forming headache and with a bloody noise he walked along the streets in hope to get to his flat before he was passing out from pain.

But when he heard another painful whimper he walked into a small alley and there he saw the other hybrid from before.

The boy was shivering and only a small blanket was shielding the boy from the unbelievable cold and the snow.

Louis moved to the boy and put a hand to his forehead and felt the warmth radiating from the boy. Knowing the boy had a fever he hoisted him up into his arms and tried to carry him to his flat, but with the snow and his small stature it was really hard for him to move the boy.

It took him nearly twenty minutes before he finally reached his flat. His headache had increased and he only wanted to cuddle into his bed but he and to make sure the boy was alright before doing so.

He got a wet rag and put it on the boy 's forehead before getting a glass of water and a warmer blanket. Louis then cleaned himself a bit with another rag and watched the sleeping hybrid with admiration. Louis who had always had at least a roof above his head, admired the hybrid who seemed to have fought his way through his whole life. Many hybrids gave up quickly, getting shipped off to a hybrid home where they got feed and trained before getting sold, but this hybrid seemed to have fought against everything on his own and Louis was proud that he wasn't the only one not giving in into the system.

When the boy had cuddled deeply into the sheets, Louis smiled softly at him before falling into bed himself.

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Thoughts on Louis, Harry and Mr. styles?

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