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A bit shorter than normally, but well, at least I updated! Sorry for my absence, but I'm quite stressed with school, family and other things, so sorry for not updating sooner! But it won't get better until after my finals which will be in May!

[goal: 40 votes and 20 comments]

Liam and Niall blushed deeply and the two didn't look into each other's eyes. Liam crouched down beside Niall's bed so he was the same height as James. "If he wants to be, he can be your mummy, but you need to ask him, if he is okay with that, okay buddy?" James nodded and immediately turned to Niall. "Niall, will you be my mummy?" Niall looked at the boy with tears in his eyes, unable to utter a word, because he was utterly shocked to say the least.

James of course misinterpreted the whole thing and backpedalled: "I'm sowwy, I didn't mean to make you upsat, pleawe don't be mad !" He said stumbling over words and tears began to gather in his eyes as well, but Niall just shook his head. "No buddy, you don't know how happy this makes me. I would love to be your mummy, if your daddy is completely sure about this!"

James looked at Niall and grinned. "Really?" When Niall nodded, he turned back to his father. "Daddy, I finally have a mummy!" He said and laughed brightly, making both the adulty smile as well. Liam leaned over James, so he could reach Niall's lips and he kissed him softly.

"I'm glad you accepted", Liam murmured into Niall's lips, making the younger man smile even brighter. "I'm glad you gave me the chance to be a parent." He said and it tugged at Liam's heart. He pulled away with a small frown. "I'm so sorry that I took that chance away from you, but I would always give you the chance. James loves you just as I do." James nodded, when he heard what his daddy said. "Yes, I love you, mummy!" He said and cuddled back into Niall's side.

"I love you both as well", Niall said and put an arm around James, before smiling up at Liam, before his eyes started to drop close again even though he had just taken a nap. "Just go back to sleep, Nialler." Liam murmured and then Niall closed his eyes, alongside with James.

Liam smiled at them both, before pulling his phone out to text Louis: "Niall's coming home tomorrow, he accepted my offer to move in with me and James asked him to be his mummy and he said yes!!!"

Not even half a minute later he got a respond: "You're fucking joking RIGHT!?!?!?!" Liam laughed softly, before standing up and dialling Louis' number. "Hey, Lou." "Hey, Lou? Really? When you just told me these news? First off, he accepted to move in with you? And James asked him WHAT?" Louis said excited. "Yes, he's moving in with me and James and James asked him afterwards if he would finally have a mummy, and I told him he needed to ask Niall if he's okay with it and he said yes, so well, Niall's being James' mummy." Louis screeched in excitement and laughed afterwards. "I'm so glad you came to your senses, Liam." "Me too, Lou, me too." They talked for a little bit longer, before the hung up and Liam went back to Niall's hospital room.

There he saw his both boys sleeping and he settled down on the stool beside them and fell asleep as well. They were all awoken in the morning, when the nurse brought breakfast and she even gave Liam and James something to eat as well. After they had all eaten, the doctor came by and talked to Niall about taking it slow and not taking the pills again.

Then he ordered a nurse to get a wheelchair, while he pulled Liam to the side. "You know what these pills were for, right? They were to suppress the bond between you two, but with Mr. Horan no longer taking them, the bond will get stronger again and so will the need to officially bound. It must happen in the next few days, because the pills are wearing off and he will go back to the miserable state he was in, when he came here to get the pills described." The doctor explained and Liam nodded. "Thank you doctor." The doctor only nodded. "Take good care of him, he deserves it."

Liam nodded again, before bidding the doctor farewell, when the nurse came back to the room with a wheelchair. They put Niall into it and then they were on their way to Liam's house. When they got there, Liam immediately helped James out of the care, before helping Niall out as well. He helped him into the house and settled him on the couch. "I need to prepare your room a bit, because it hasn't been cleaned in a while, but you can rest here in the meanwhile okay? Do you want anything to eat, watch TV or anything?" Liam rumbled making Niall smile and shake his head: "No Liam, I'm fine as long as I know that you won't leave me again." Liam smiled and sat down beside Niall, kissing him softly.

Right in that moment, James came into the room fake-gagging, making Liam pull away a bit. "Daddy, that's not the reason I wanted a mummy!" He said, making the adulty laugh. "Come here, buddy", Liam said and James rushed over to them. He settled down between them and he was smouldered with kisses from both of them. "I'm so happy to finally a full family."

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