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I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but I'm on vacation and had no time to finish this chapter any sooner.

So here is the next chapter!

Hope you like it!

And please check out my new story 'Home'. It's a ageplay! Niam story!!!


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Two weeks had passed and Niall felt really sick. He had been throwing up for what felt like hours, when his stomach finally stopped churning. He sat against the bathroom wall and sighed. All the stress was finally getting to him.

Even though the wedding had been called off, Liam never called or tried to contact the younger hybrid and Niall had taken it to heart. Even after Louis had assured him that it wasn't Niall's fault, Niall still believed it. He didn't eat and he didn't sleep much either, because he didn't feel worth it anymore, even more worthless than he had when he had been hurt by Liam so much.

Louis was worried about the young hybrid after a few more weeks of his habits not changing and when he saw how sick the boy really looked. He even found some bushes of hair and that got him even more worried. He knew that it could simply be a symptom of stress and depression, but he didn't believe it was that. He believed it was something way more dangerous.

So one day he scooped Niall into his car and drove him to the hospital. The young hybrid, who was asleep like most of the times for the last few weeks, seemed barely conscious.

When Louis reached the hospital, he picked the younger boy up and carried him inside. A nurse immediately took Niall in and shooed Louis to the waiting room, after he had explained what the matter was. Endless hours seemed to pass before someone said:" For Mr. Horan?" Louis immediately sprung up and followed the nurse. He was lead into a white, sterile looking room with the same young doctor, that had checked Niall out, after his self-harming.

"Mr. Tomlinson, thank you for being so worried for Mr. Horan, it was entitled. You're a hybrid yourself right?" Louis nodded. "It is still just a theory, nothing has been proved yet, but Mr. Horan shows all the right symptoms and with the story you told us, it seems right. It seems as if hybrids can have something we like to call soulmates. The have a special bound to this person, may it be a human or another hybrid, it doesn't really matter. If they are rejected though, the bound seems to break and it can be really dangerous, like you can see. They develop symptoms of cancer and it will slowly but surely cause the hybrids death."

Louis gasped. This couldn't be happening, not to Niall, not to his friend, not to his brother. "What can we do about it? There must be a way to stop it!" The doctor shook his head. "The only way to heal a hybrid with a broken bound is to repair it. His soulmate has to accept him." Louis sighed. Getting Liam to accept the hybrid? That would be a hard thing to do. He knew how stubborn Liam could be and with the new revelation of Liam being a father wouldn't make it any easier for the hybrids.

The doctor saw the look in Louis eyes and sighed. "We can help Niall, but it's really dangerous. He is one of the few hybrids who can get pregnant, but with these pills, it could cost him that ability." Niall perked up. "No,no,no!" Niall jumped up in panic and looked around. "I'm not gonna risk that!" The doctor held his hands up in defense und sighed. "It was just a option for you."

Louis nodded and said:" I'm gonna talk to his 'mate' and we will see how it goes, thanks doctor." The doctor nodded and Louis and Niall packed their things and walked out of the hospital with Niall nearly asleep again.

When they got home, Louis put Niall into his bed, before pulling out his phone and ringing Liam's number. "Hello, Lou?" Liam spoke and Louis immediately grew angry when he heard the voice. "Get your ass over here, Liam. You have a few things to explain." "Lou, I can't right now. I have to sort some things out first." "Liam, for fucks sake, get your ass over here, before I drag you here myself! Thanks to you, Niall has gotten sick and if you don't get over here soon, he will die!" "Lou, stop being so overdramatic, okay? It can't be that bad." "Liam, I'm not fucking joking about! Niall's body is working different from yours, since he is a hybrid. If hybrids find their mates and don't get accepted they will slowly but surely die. Niall can't eat, barely sleeps and he's losing his hair, he is looking so sick, as if he had cancer. Please Liam, I can't let him die. I can't lose someone else."

Liam sighed on the phone. "Is it okay, if I bring someone with me?" "Already another girlfriend?" Louis spat. "No Lou, I know I never told you, but m-my son, I can't leet him stay here alone." Louis sighed. He knew how badly Niall had reacted when he saw Liam's son, but this was Niall's chance to get better.

"Sure, bring him with you."

"Thank you, Lou, I will be over in 20 minutes."

Exactly 20 minute the door bell rang and Louis walked to his front door and opened it. Their stood Liam with bags under his eyes and greasy hair. In his arms was the young boy. "Hello Lou." Liam said and forced a small smile on his lips.Louis simply nodded at him, before leading him into the living room. Liam sat the young boy on the ground and looked up at Louis.

"So what's up?"

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