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Liam sighed and shook his head. He should have never asked Niall out on this date.

Niall turned around and looked at Liam. "Are you alright," the hybrid asked the older man who simply nodded. "I'm fine, just remember I had to finish something for work tomorrow", Liam lied and Niall nodded. "Then let's go!" Niall said and Liam sighed in relief. "Thanks for understanding", Liam said.

Niall nodded and together they walked to the car. hey drove to the airport and in less than 2 hours they were back in London. After they had landed, Liam drove Niall home and went to open his door, but Niall was faster and was already out of the car. Liam walked over to him and smiled sadly at the blonde hybrid.

"Goodnight Niall, I'll see you." The brunette said absently not even really noticing the blond and patted the blonde on the shoulder with a distant look. Niall looked up disappointed and frowned. "Did I do something wrong?" He mumbled but Liam had already walked back to the car and was already driving off.

Niall sighed sadly and walked to the door of Louis' flat. He opened the door and at that moment the tears began flowing down his face. He sobbed and could barely close the door before he fell to the ground sobbing.

He must have done something wrong for Liam to react so badly. He hadn't expected a kiss on the lips but maybe a hug or a small peck on his cheek, but a simply pat? Even his old owner had shown him more affection.

Louis heard the door open and expected a happy Niall to come rushing in but when he heard a thud he immediately rushed to the living room and saw a sobbing blonde there. He immediately crouched down beside Niall and pulled the sobbing boy into his arms.

"Niall, what happened?" he mumbled and his answer was a sob. "H-he... w-we were at the b-beach in Spain, w-wh-when he suddenly t-turned all distant and t-then he brought m-me b-back and j-just patted m-m-m-my shoulder and t-then drove off!" Niall was sobbing out.

Louis sighed and shook his head. "Niall, are you sure? That's not Liam at all." Niall nodded pitifully and sighed. "It's b-because I-I'm a hybrid!"

"Niall, that's not it. He doesn't care about the fact but I know that he doesn't have work the next few days since he is going to visit his family for a few weeks."

That only made Niall sadder and Louis soon realized his mistake. When he went to apologize, Niall only shook his head. "I'm j-just not worth his t-time then." Niall said, freed himself of Louis' grip and went to his room, locking the door.

Niall immediately fell face first on the bed before sobbing again. What has he done wrong? Was he really such a bad hybrid? Was he even worth breathing the same air as all the more important and worth people? Would he be better off dead?

All these thoughts ran through his head and with a sudden determination he walked to the bathroom attached to his room.

He looked for the razor Louis had given him. He broke the blades out of the cheap razor and threw the plastic away. Then he sunk to the ground, the dress pooling around him.

He brought the razor to his right arm and caved the word "worthless '" into his arm. With each cut his heart felt lighter and he closed his eyes in bliss. He had cut back when he was still at his old owner's home, but back then he had only cut his thighs. But now, who would even want him? So why bother only cutting his thighs?

This way he could show everyone without words what he thought of himself.

Louis was furious with Liam. He called him immediately when he heard the door to Niall's room lock.

"What the fuck have you done?" Louis said angrily. "Louis, let it go, I'm not in the mood okay? I have my reasons, so forget it. Niall will be okay!It's not like he already developed any feelings right?" Louis fumed. "The fxck Liam! He is fxcking sobbing in his room, blaming himself for doing something wrong! What can be so important to hurt somebody so innocent!"

It was silent on the other line before he suddenly heard a deep sigh.

"I'm getting married! Happy?" Liam suddenly screamed frustrated. "W-What?" Louis stuttered confused. "Getting Married?" Liam sighed sadly. "Don't tell anybody okay? My parents have organized a marriage for me. It had been planned when I was barely 16 and in two weeks it's time. I'm getting married to a girl called Sophia Smith and when I met Niall, I j-just forgot about it but today I remembered it and I couldn't hurt him but I guess I just did that. Tell him I'm sorry, but I can't meet up with him again. It's not only hurting him, but me as well. I think it's better that way."

"Liam, don't do this. There must be a way out right? Do you even know the girl?" "No, I don't k-" "Then call the wedding off! I know you and this is just not you!" "Lou, I can't change it, if I do, then I lose everything. I will get over it and so will Niall eventually." Louis sighed with frustration.

"If you don't cancel the wedding, don't bother calling or coming by anymore. Because then, you are no longer welcome here."


"Good bye."


Not my best chapter and not the longest either, but an important one nonetheless.


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