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Just a filler, because I have a really bad writer's block right now, so I'm open for every suggestion you have!

I'm still sick, so it's really not one of my best chapters, but I wanted to update once before the year ends, so here we go...

PS: Anyone up to make me a cover for my new story "Church Boy"?

[goal: 40 votes and 20 comments]

They were waiting for what felt like hours after their little talk and it was agonizing. Nobody knew if Niall was okay or not and it was hard for them all, but especially for James who didn't understand the situation. He was so worried about the young man who had kept him safe, when his dad was fighting and now he was sick!

3 hours after they had rushed into the hospital, one doctor came from the emergency room. "Family of Niall Horan?" Liam and Louis both jump up from their seats and looked expectantly at the doctor. "Mr. Horan is okay. The pills were too strong for him, because he has lost quite a lot of weight since he had gotten them described and he is now quite underweighted for his height and age. He is sleeping now, but he should be awake soon. You can go visit him, if you want?" The boys nodded and were directed to Niall's room, before the doctor bid them goodbye.

When they reached the room, they knocked, but when there was no answer, they slowly opened the door und looked at Niall. Liam gasped when he saw Niall laying in the bed. He was pale, paler than usual, his hair was sticking to his face and he just looked sick. James immediately jumped down from Liam's arms and rushed to the young man. He climbed into the bed and cuddled into the hybrid. Liam was astonished. Louis saw the look on Liam's face and smiled lightly.

"Even your son sees Niall as some important person and he wants Niall in his life, just like you do. Forget for a minute about what could happen and just do what your heart tells you. Money and James' career are important, but so is Niall's life. Please talk to him when he wakes up and explain your situation to him. Help him understand, okay?"

Liam nodded and moved to Niall's bed. He took one of the chairs and sat beside the bed Niall was laying in and stared at the hybrid and his son. And realising that it was his fault, that Niall was laying in the hospital and James was worrying so much, made him break out in silent tears. "I'm so sorry for everything I did Niall. Putting myself before you is my biggest regret right now. I hope that someday you will be able to forgive me." He said, before softly adding: "Hoping it's not too late."

Louis had left the room, when he had seen Liam in tears, knowing that the man wanted to tell Niall something important. So, he wandered around the room and decided to call Harry to inform him about the latest happenings.

"Hey Haz", he said, when said man picked up the phone. "Hey Lou, how are you? Everything alright?" "Yes, I'm fine, but Niall is in the hospital, there was a problem with his pills for you know.. it somehow caused Niall to collapse." "Is he alright now?" "Yes he is fine now, he even should wake up soon, but I left Liam with him for now, because it seems as if Liam has realised his mistakes... but we will see. Are you free tonight? Maybe then we can catch up." "Of course, 7pm okay?" "Yes, until then Haz." "Bye Lou."

Meanwhile Liam was talking to Niall, while James was still cuddled into the hybrids arm, softly napping away. After nearly an hour of Liam walking, Niall slowly woke up. He immediately sat up, when he felt something warm cuddled up against him, but he sighed in relief when he saw that it was only James. He looked up and saw Liam sitting beside his bed and he smiled softly. "Hey Liam." He said and was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Niall, for everything I did, it was stupid of me and only now I can see how dense I have been. I'm so sorry for every time I hurt you, for every time I did something stupid, but please forgive me."

Niall sighed and took a deep breath. "I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I forget. If you want any type of relationship to me, you have to work for it. Not with money, but with showing me that you really do care."

Liam nodded happily. "Of course! I do everything you want! You don't know how much that means to me! Thank you, Niall, for everything!" They looked at each other and smiled softly, when James woke up and looked at his dad sleepily. "Daddy, I hungry." He said and broke the stare between the two men. Both of them laughed lightly, before Liam picked James up and put him on his lap. "How about we go eating then?" James nodded enthusiastically and jumped from Liam's lap,already rushing to the door. "Is it alright if we go for a few minutes to get some food? Will you be alright? And do you want anything?" Niall shook his head, laughing softly. "I'm fine Liam, don't you worry and no I'm not hungry right now. But.." Niall took another deep breath. "Please don't leave me again", he said.

Lim smiled lovingly at the hybrid. "Never", he said and pressed a light kiss to the hybrids lips, before following James out of the door, leaving an awestruck Niall in the room, who was absently minded touching his lips, before softly shaking his head.

"Waht a fucking sap you are."

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