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Thank you LebstarHorayne for your idea! Without you I wouldn't have been able to update, so thank you!

And also thanks to all the people who commented on the last chapter and showed me that I'm not alone!

For the next update: [45 votes and 20 comments]

Liam stood up and tried to reach out for Niall, but before he could even get near him, a fist collided with his jaw. He groaned in pain and glared at Louis. "What the hell?" he asked bewildered, but Louis glare shut him up.

"Get your son and get out!" Louis threatened. "I just want to talk to Niall!" Liam defended himself. "You took everything from him, do you think he wants to talk to you now?" Louis glared at Liam.

While the two were fighting, Niall slipped back into his room and locked his door, before sliding to the ground. He heard the two boys scream and suddenly the first sob broke loose and he couldn't stop crying.

"Let you explain what? That you were supposed to marry someone else and led Niall on?"

But suddenly he heard a small knock on his door and he knew that it wasn't Liam nor Louis, because it was way too soft and he could still hear the boys fighting, so it could only be one other person. Niall opened the door and was engulfed by a small boy, who had tears in his eyes. "I no like daddy scream!" He stumbled over his words, making him sound even smaller. Niall smiled sadly at him. "I don't like them screaming either, but sometimes people need to get their frustrations out." James only nodded before cuddling into Niall.

"Just shut the fuck up and get out of my house!"

The normal shy boy found safety in the hybrid, even though he didn't know him, but he saw the glances his daddy had given the blond and he knew that the fight his daddy was having, was also about the blond, so the hybrid must be nice.

"You're so fucking dumb, Liam! How could you do this to him?"

At least he hoped, that the hybrid was nothing like Sophia, because James didn't like the woman who was always hanging around his daddy, before he had said something at their weddings.

"Stop being so fucking stubborn, asshole and let me explain!"

Suddenly they both heard a door slam and suddenly someone knocked again. Niall of course thought, that Liam had left and opened the door without a second thought.

But he was met with brown eyes, that only showed regret and guilt. Niall's face immediately hardened. "What are you doing here?" he spat out. "You have my son." Liam said and put a forced smile on his face. "And I wanted to talk to you." Niall only kept his glare on. "Take your son, but I don't want to talk to you!" "Niall please! I just want to explain." Tears welled in Niall's eyes. "Liam, please! I lost the only thing I ever wanted, because you didn't accept me and now you want to talk?"

"I know, I was stupid, but please, just let me explain!" "I'm sorry Liam, bu-" Suddenly Niall stopped speaking and he grabbed his head. "Niall?" Liam asked shocked and he grabbed Niall, before he could fall to the ground, when his knees had suddenly given out.

"Niall?" James asked and looked just as worried as his daddy. Liam looked at his son and mumbled: "Everything's going to be fine, I just have to call the ambulance, but I'm sure it nothing." But Liam didn't sound convinced and neither was his son.

Liam got his phone out and called the ambulance, and gave all the information to them, before picking Niall up and putting him on his bed, before trying to call Louis. In the meanwhile, James climbed in the bed beside Niall and cuddled in his side, laying his head on the hybrid's chest and listening to his heartbeat, to assure that the blond was still breathing and sighing in relief when the hybrid did in fact breath normally. It took a few moments before Louis picked up the phone. "What do you want?" Louis asked with a sour undertone, but when he heard Liam explaining the situation, he was immediately worried. "I'm coming back!"

And true to his words, Louis came rushing into the house a few minutes later and rushed immediately to Niall's room, where he saw the hybrid laying in his bed. He didn't even acknowledge Liam and his son, he was so worried about Niall. He run up to him and checked for any fever and he felt that Niall was literally burning up. Sweat pooled on his forehead and his hair was matted back and looked like it was gelled back.

Minutes later came the ambulance and immediately rushed Niall to the hospital. Liam and James rode with them in the ambulance, while Louis followed them in his car.

When Louis came to the hospital, he was met with Liam and James waiting anxiously in the waiting room. "What's going on?" Louis asked panicked, but Liam only shrugged his shoulders. "They immediately rushed them away, they didn't tell me anything... but apparently, something went wrong with his pills, but they couldn't confirm anything just yet, the need to run a few tests first."

Louis only nodded and sat down beside Liam. "I'm sorry." Louis said suddenly, breaking the uncomfortable silence between them. "For what?" Liam asked. "For everything I said to you, back at my flat and for hitting you... I still think, that what you did was wrong, but I can understand you in a way and I would have done the same." Liam nodded and apologized at well: "I'm also sorry, for saying all the things I said, but something you can be very stubborn..."

A small smile broke found its way on Louis' lips and suddenly he grinned. "I'm half cat, what do you expect? " Louis said grinning, making Liam smile as well. "Nothing less."

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