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So, after only two people have commented on the last chapter, I decided to end the story now, because apparently, nobody has been reading the last few chapters anyway.

This chapter mostly consist of time skips, telling what happened afterward the bonding, which had happened last chapter. Hope you enjoy even though it's very rushed, but I just wanted to get it over with. But maybe I will rewrite it someday.

Niall rushed to the toilet again. "Fuck you, Liam!" Niall groaned out, before he threw up once again. Liam just grinned at him. Just the day prior they had found out that Niall had gotten pregnant and Liam was over the moon and so was James, who couldn't wait to become a big sibling. They were all very surprised, when the doctor had told them, that Niall was pregnant, because after the pills he was supposed to be sterile, but here he was now.

"Whip your grin from your lips, you idiot and help me up!" Niall swore and Liam was by his side immediately. He helped the hybrid up and helped him over to the sink, so that the blonde could brush his teeth. Afterwards, Liam picked the boy up and carried him to the couch in the living room. He put the boy down and went to the kitchen to get something to drink and also got James, who had been in his room. James immediately run over to Niall and cuddled with him, living Liam with a big smile on his lips. He could have never imagined something better. He sat down beside them and together they fell asleep on the couch.

Weeks passed by and Niall got bigger and bigger and while the hybrid was everything but happy about it, Liam couldn't get enough. He had always a hand on Niall's belly and when not, then he was kneeling in front of Niall and was talking to the baby. Today was the day, where they would find out, what gender the baby had and they were both very excited. They went to the doctor and found it they were having a baby boy and they were over the moon. James had told them – in secret – that he would like to have a younger brother, so that James could show him everything he knew and to have someone to play with, because he found girls yucky. So, when they told the boy, he was shouting happily and wasn't leaving Niall's side until he had to be tucked in his bed, which Niall had to do, because James had hit Liam when his daddy had tried to carry him and James had clutched on Niall's neck, until the hybrid was carrying him to his bed.

Niall was now heavily pregnant and he had bad back pains and his feet were swollen and he felt like a fucking whale, with all the weight he had put on. He had been on bed rest for two weeks by now, because with him being a male, the risk was of course higher than with a woman, but their doctor was very sure, that nothing would go wrong, but that Niall would need a C-section. The bag had already been packed and now they were simply waiting, for the contractions to start, because the doctor wanted to give the baby as much time as possible, because of Niall being a hybrid there was a chance, that the baby would be one to and hybrids had the risk of getting sick easily and they didn't want to risk anything.

Two days later Niall's contractions had started and Niall was immediately rushed into the hospital for his C-section and only a two hours later, he was finally holding his baby. "I love you, Mason." Niall whispered, when Liam softly put the boy into Niall's arms. Liam smiled at them and sat down beside Niall's bed, before he picked up James and sat him on his lap. The young boy was fascinated with his younger brother and softly caressed the boy's cheek, before poking it. "He is so small", James whispered in pure fascination and Liam smiled at him. "He really is."

Mason grew up way to fast in Niall's eyes, because the boy was now already 6 months old. They boy was in Karen's arms, who sat in the same room as Niall was in right now. "Get ready Niall. The wedding starts soon, Mason and James are in good hands", she said teasingly and Niall sighed. He was so nervous. Liam had proposed to him later on the day of Mason's birth and now was the wedding. Niall was dressed in a light blue suit and had his hair styled up in a light quiff. Niall took a deep breath, before he kissed Mason on the cheek, before hugging Karen. "Go get your man", she whispered in his ear and he left the room.

They now stood in front of the altar and Liam was holding Niall's hands because he could sense the nervousness Niall was feeling. The priest was talking, but Niall and Liam were in their own world and only when the priest asked them if they wanted to become a married pair, were they back in the real world, saying their 'I do's ', before they kissed each other with so much love, that everybody was cheering at them. James who had been the ring bearer, was picked up by Liam and Mason was brought to Niall by Karen, who smiled at him with happiness evident in her eyes. "Welcome in our family."

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