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I tried to write this chapters for hours, but it didn't come out as well as I would have hoped... sorry to dissapoint you guys....

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Liam took Niall's hand in his and smiled lovingly at him. He couldn't believe that Niall had given him a chance and he wanted to show Niall that it had been the right decision. So he led the younger hybrid boy to the airport where he had his own jet waiting just for them.

It took them nearly half an hour before they got their due of the traffic in London. Niall was impatient and asked Liam the whole drive to the airport where they were going. When Niall's door was opened by Liam, Niall was confused. "What are we doing here?" he asked and Liam just smiled at him. "We're flying out of the country, I have something special planned." Niall shook his head. "Flying out of the country? Are you insane?" Liam just shook his head and smiled. "No, I'm not insane, but you deserve something special, so come on, my jet is waiting for us."

Niall nearly fainted when he heard Liam say that he had an own jet. How rich was this man? And why was he doing all this for a dirty hybrid?

Niall was led to the jet by Liam and while Liam talked to the pilot, Niall admired the jet. He was pulled out of his thoughts by Liam, when the older man put an arm around his waist. Niall smiled up at him and got one back to him. He had never guessed that he would be so lucky to find someone so nice and attentive, especially with being a hybrid and not a pretty or obedient one either.

Liam immediately saw the change in Niall's eyes and pulled the boy into a hug. "Don't cry, beautiful. You're too pretty for that." Niall wanted to argue, but when he gazed up at the older of them both he saw the honesty in them and he kept his mouth shut.

Together they climbed into the jet and sat down. Niall immediately relaxed when his bum touched the seats because they were really comfortable and Niall wasn't used to so much comfort. Liam smiled softly at him and watched with attentive eyes, how the younger boy's eyes fell shut time after time before he finally drifted off.

When they had landed, Liam dreaded to wake up the blonde beauty but he had everything planned out and needed to get moving before they were late for their reservations.

So Liam gently woke up the blonde with a soft kiss to his cheek and Niall's eyes fluttered open softly. Niall smiled at Liam shyly and took his hand before they exited the jet. "Where are we?" Niall said in a chippy voice, his eyes shining with excitement. "Spain", was the whole answer Liam gave him and if he hadn't smiled at Niall like the hybrid had hung the moon, it would have been considered as rude, but Liam just wanted to enjoy the date.

Together they walked across the airport until they reached a black limo which should bring them to the restaurant. 20 minutes later they had reached the fancy restaurant and Liam exited the limo and helped Niall out of the car. Liam grabbed Niall's hand again and smiled at the hybrid, still not able to believe his luck.

At the reception they were asked for their names rudely and bored out of his mind, but when Liam told them their name, the waiter's eyes widened comically. "I'm sorry, Sir, but.." said the waiter in an heavily accented English, but Liam only shook his head. "It's alright!" He said and the waiter nodded before leading them up to the roof where only a single table was placed, lit up with candlelight's.

Niall gasped and even a few tears collected in his eyes. He had never had someone taking and spoiling him so much and having found Liam must have been a dream. He must be dreaming all this. But when he felt Liam's hands on his small back he realised that it was reality. The blonde looked up at Liam and whispered. "It's beautiful, thank you!"

A soft, warm breeze floated over the roof and Niall sighed. He only knew the rainy weather of England and Ireland and it was amazing how warm it was, even though it was already dark outside.

Liam led Niall to the table and when Niall sat down, Liam walked to the other side of the table before sitting down as well.

"So where are you from?" Liam started the conservation with a light smile on his lips.

"Mullingar, Ireland." Niall said.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Like a really bright shade or..?"

"Like the color of the sunrise." That answer intruded Liam even more.

How could someone be so perfect?

During dinner they talked and Liam got to know some basic things about Niall, but every time he asked something about his past, the blond hybrid shut down and stared straight ahead. Liam understood and talked about some lighter topics.

All hybrids he knew had never had an easy life, so why should it be different for Niall?

After they had eaten their dinner, Niall had a plate of spaghettis with ketchup (Liam had tried to convince Niall to eat something more fancy but Niall declined and huffed like a stubborn child, until Liam gave in).

Liam had eaten spicy skillet pork chops. For dessert Liam ordered them strawberries covered in chocolate after Niall had told him during dinner how much he liked it and how it reminded him of his good childhood.

Niall's eyes had widened and he had stared at the strawberries with pure joy and when Liam had given one of them to him, he moaned unashamedly. They were just so good!

When they had both eaten until they were full, Liam payed and they left the restaurant.

Liam walked them through the bog city of Barcelona until they reached the beach. Niall was in awe and Liam smiled down adoringly at the blond boy. With an arm wound around Niall's waist, Liam lead them along the seam of the water. Niall had tugged of his heels and went barefoot through the water, his dress flowing in the breeze. The bright moon eluminating the blond, making his hair shine in an even brighter blond, making him look just a tad more beautiful.

While Niall seemed to enjoy himself, Liam admired the blond beauty and couldn't help but sigh.

If he could only have Niall by his side, every passing second, but he knew he couldn't.

Not with the arranged marriage in barely two weeks.

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