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Thanks to all my readers, voters and especially my commenters, it means so much to me to get all the support and honestly I could cry out of joy!!! love you all! xx

and hopefully you will like this chapter as well!

also: would you like this story to be a mpreg?

Goal for the next chapter: [33 votes and 16 comments]


Niall stared at the good looking man with wide eyes. Liam just smiled at him with hope glistening in his eyes. Niall was torn between saying yes and just running away. He gulped and looked to the ground. "Why?" He asked softly. Liam smiled at the hybrid boy. "You're breath-taking and I want to get to know you better."

Niall blushed and hide his face into the soft sweater. Niall went to open his mouth but shut it just as quick again. He took in the attire of Liam and he felt embarrassed, just now he realized that the older man was dressed in an expensive suit, mostly likely an Armani one.

He felt even more unsure and his thoughts drifted to his old owner. He wore the same suits and he had been just as stunning as this man and he had also been nice in the beginning but then he suddenly began to hit Niall whenever he did something wrong or wasn't fast enough. Niall shuddered at the memory and tears glistened in his eyes. He had lived in agony and pain for years and even though the man standing before him seemed to be so nice, Niall couldn't accept the offer. He just couldn't. He couldn't live with getting hurt again after having barely recovered.

"I'm sorry, but I can't", Niall whispered and jumped up, running past Liam. Liam was in shock but when he turned around, the boy had already left the café. Louis who had watched the scene came over to Liam with a confused gaze.
"What happened?" Louis asked Liam who sighed and looked like a hurt puppy with a small pout on his full lips and wide, brown eyes.

"I don't know, I asked him on a date and at first he looked like he wanted to say yes, but then he just stared at the wall and suddenly he told me no and ran." Liam said confused and Louis mirrored the expression. "That doesn't seem like him at all and I don't even know him! Something must have happened to him."

Liam nodded but sighed straight afterwards. He couldn't help but feel bad for the hybrid even without knowing what had happened. Louis gave him a knowing smile and said:" I'm going to find him and see if I can find out what has happened."

Liam nodded thankfully and embraced the other hybrid boy into a tight hug." Thanks Lou, you're the best." Louis smiled at him and when they pulled away, Liam looked at his watch and said in a rush:" I've got to go now, I forgot that I had a meeting today!"

Louis bid him farewell and then talked to Harry who let him go after he had explained that he wanted to look for Niall. Harry had even offered to close the shop for the day but Louis had declined and with a kiss to Harry's cheek he left the café.

Walking to the streets, Louis looked in the same alley as he had the night before but there was no trace of Niall and with a sigh Louis looked into every alley and went after everything that could have been Niall in the mall but Niall was nowhere in sight.

Louis sighed and plopped down on a bench when he suddenly heard someone sitting down beside him. It was Niall and Louis stared at him with wide eyes before pulling him into a hug. "There you are!" Louis said in a happy voice and Niall purred lightly. "I'm sorry for just running away but I just didn't know what else to do. I couldn't accept the date with Liam b-because.." Niall sobbed suddenly and buried his face in Louis' chest.

Louis sighed lightly and whispered into the blonde's ear." Let's get home and there you can tell me, Ni." Niall nodded and together they walked back to Louis' flat.

When they reached the apartment Louis let them inside and made them both a tea before sitting down beside Niall on the couch.

"So tell me what has caused you to run away."

Niall looked uncomfortable and stuttered. "When I first came to the café, I-I had j-just run a-away from my o-owner and at first he has been so nice to me a-and I have r-really liked h-him but suddenly he began to hit me and L-Liam h-he reminds me so much of h-him."

Louis hugged the boy tightly and stroked his hair. Niall calmed down a great amount and when he was finally calm again, Louis said. "I've known Liam for a while now and he has never done a bad thing Even though he's a CEO he always treats everyone with respect, as long as they treat him the same. He also has never asked someone out since I've known him and that he asked you is unbelievable. I know it's hard to forget the past and I can feel with but please at least consider giving him a chance. And if he treats you badly, I will gladly kick his ass."

Niall laughed lightly and said in an amused voice. "You? Kicking his ass?" Louis pouted. "I could easily do so! Don't underestimate me!" Niall only kept laughing and soon Louis joined in and when they calmed down, Niall said with a heavy sigh but a small smile traced his lips.

"Do you have his number? I've got to accept a date!"

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