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This chapter reveals why Liam is still going through with marrying Sophia!

And I will not post another new story like I originally planned, since only two people commented on that chapter when it was up and barely anyone read it, so I won't post the new

goal for the next chapter: [35 votes and 20 comments]


Liam sighed. When he had vanished two weeks ago, he had finally met Sophia and he actually really liked the girl and could see himself falling in love with her if he hadn't met Niall.

Every time he thought about it that way, falling in love with someone else than Niall, guilt consumed him and he felt awful.

He hadn't led Niall on, because he actually liked the kitten hybrid, but Sophia had -thankfully- many similarities to Niall and to please his parents and to save his company, he had finally agreed to marry Sophia, but he was too big of a pussy to inform Niall about it. At least he kind of liked Sophia, so the marriage wouldn't be completely awful.

Getting to know Sophia over the last two weeks had been fun and there were days where he hadn't even thought about Niall!

But even though he hadn't known Niall for long he missed the blonde boy every time he was alone.

He didn't know what to do anymore.

He thought about sending Louis a message, but the brunette had made clear to not contact him in any way, as long as he hadn't called the wedding off.

But he couldn't do it. He would lose everything he had worked hard for and despite having feelings for Niall, he would nor or rather could not let that happen.

It wasn't for his sake, but for the sake of a small, 4-year-old brunette boy.

Nobody knew of James Carter Payne who was his own blood and flesh.

Getting a girl pregnant at 22, he had to take over the responsibility that came along with a pregnancy and the aftermath.

The girl he had gotten pregnant, Danielle, died during giving birth to their kid.

James Carter Payne was a bit small for his age with dark brunette hair, chocolate coloured eyes like his father and s small birth mark on his neck. He looked just like Liam.

Liam had never told anyone beside his parents about the pregnancy so neither Harry nor Louis knew of the small boy. And neither did the public and it was supposed to stay that way. He would always be considered his sister's child. Ruth had been so nice to say that it was her child, since she had been pregnant at the same time as Danielle, but had lost her child a few weeks before the supposed date of birth, after she had a car accident, which caused her to have a miscarriage.

With being a CEO he had always found a reason to leave, so he could see his child who was living with his sister in Wolverhampton, but often also stayed at his parents in London, so that Liam could spend some quality time with him.

That had long happened after he had stupidly agreed at the age of 16 to marry some girl he didn't know, but he knew with marrying into the Smith family, he would get quite a lot of money, so that he could safe his company from going bankrupt.

And leaving his son in debt long before he could make his own decisions.

Liam sighed frustrated and looked around. Everything had been planned out perfectly by their parents and everything looked beautiful, but he still felt awful for not telling Niall about all of this.

But he had no time to dwell on it further. He had to give some interviews before the wedding.

Niall had curled into Louis side and let himself be petted. Despite being hurt by seeing Liam getting married he couldn't stop watching it.

Two hours had already passed and it was finally -sadly- the time for the ceremony. Liam had on a beautiful white suit, while Sophia had on a beautiful rosé coloured dress. They both made a beautiful couple, Niall had to admit.

Sophia was really pretty and Niall was a bit jealous of her. She would take away the only happiness he had in a long time. He sighed and watched expectantly TV.

Liam stood at the altar and waited for his bride who walked beside an elderly man, her father. Liam smiled at her lovingly. God did she remind him of the blonde boy.

Liam sighed softly and shook his head slightly. Now was not the time. He was getting married for fxcks sake.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of two people, two lovers..." The priest droned on, quoting Bible verses and making sickeningly romantic analogies. Liam sighed, following the priest's orders to repeat after him. His life was following orders, he mused, but he had no other alternative. He finished the last repetition and nodded at the priest.

He had to remind himself that he was doing this for his son.

"Now, Sophia, repeat after me; I, Sophia, do promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health and forsaking all other, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest began, reciting a similar set of vows for her to repeat. Sophia, smiling, repeated them all as if she'd been practicing.

"Do you, Liam James Payne, take Sophia Anne Smith to be your wife?"

"I -"

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