To: Those Who Like Hysteria&Weird Creeps on Yahoo Messenger 11/3/11

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Hello, my boys and girls! Oh, and nothing!

I'm back, aren't you just ecSTATIC?

Yeah, so...

I know I said I wouldn't be back on wattpad for a while.

But I decided I had to tell someone about this crap, and Idecided this story doesn't require much writing inspiration. So I'm gonna go ahead and update this one.


Guess what I did, guys?

Okay, so weirdly, I'm really confident for the first hour i'm out of bed. I dunno, call it sleeping adrenaline, but whenever I get out of bed, I always think, "What should I say to Connor today?"

And the past days, I've been talking myself out of it or falling back asleep, etc.

But.... today?

I had too much time on my hands.

I have done the unthinkable.

I've been too obvious.

Cut the curtains, cue the stage, Kacie is finally dead.

Yeah, that's right. I think half of me died with the comment I posteed on his facebook wall.

Mmmm... it went something like this.:

Me: Hey, so... guess what? I have to tell you something........hi.(:"

^Connor Likes this.

Connor: Hello


TIP NUMBER THIRTY FOUR-(Sorry if I skippedsome numbers or if I already did this number tip. hehehe too lazy to check where I elft off)

You know he isn't interested already! Hellooooo! He didn't put any smiley faces!

Like, um.. it's kind of obvious that if he just said one worded no smiley face filled comment replys back, he's just not that into you.(Great movie)

So yeah. I'm just saying, that should've tipped me off right there and then.


Guess who was the idiot?

Me: Hahahahha(:

You should text me sometime!

^^^^^^^biggest mistake of my life.

I'm currently rocking back and forth on my bed as I'm writing this, gritting my teeth and eating cookies like a bunny rabbit while I'm waiting for his response.

Call me a lose,r but..... shit shit shit shit shit.

It takes my everythiing to not delete the comment before he gets it.

I am now entering hysteria.

And I need to pee, badly.

But I'm afraid while I'm going pee, he'll answer and I won't be able to see it.

Oh god, what if he like... if he...




Doesn't answer at all?

Oh my god, guys!

THis is horrible!


What do I do?

Is this normal?

Why can't my fingers stop growing colder and shakier?

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