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// little-jane !!! / entire story is in frank's POV //

I slammed a fist on the hood of my car, the fucking thing wouldn't start, again! I groaned and looked around. I guess it was my idea to work thirty minutes from my house. I mean, sure, it was one of the very few places hiring in this town. And of course it just had to be the night shift. Goddamn it, I'm probably going to get fired anyway. "I wish this fucking thing would start."

I looked up, scowling at the sight of the moon. It just sat there in the sky, unmoving. With its little fucking minions twinkling back at it, obeying it's every call. I rubbed my eyes and set off, perhaps I could hitch hike my way to work? But I'd rather walk, I'd seen the creeps around this area.

So I set off, heading towards my work. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and walked quickly. But before I got too far, I ran into a car. I couldn't fucking see that thing! It's too dark to see, so let's thank the moon for helping us out, shall we? I grumbled and looked up.

"Fucker," I muttered to the moon, moving away from all cars.

"Careful, you might hurt her feelings. Wouldn't want that now, would you?" I spun around, meeting someone's eyes. "She can't help it, you know," the person told me.

"Why the fuck should I care?" I snapped, turning on my heel to walk away again.

"Well, what would you do if someone you loved said that to you?" They asked me, frowning slightly.

"I don't love anyone, so that wouldn't be a problem. Goodbye."

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