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I didn't have work tonight either, so I went out on another walk, in search of them. I didn't think I would feel this bad because I was rude to them the very first time I saw them, one time. Plus, on the other nights, they were alone, and it made me feel bad, it made me feel sad. And apparently it made me turn into Doctor Seuss, fuck.

After a little while of walking, I spotted them on a bench in the park. I sped up my pace and jogged over to them, sitting down next to them. "Isn't she beautiful?" They uttered, their gazed fixed on the moon.

"She?" I wondered. They nodded at me, frowning a tad bit. "Why is the moon a she? Why not he? Why a gender at all?" They smiled a bit this time, instead of frowning. Probably because I actually seemed like I had an interest in what they were saying this time.

"Well, why do people have a gender? Maybe I didn't want to be a man, but luckily I feel comfortable in my own body. No need to label people, yet we do. So if we can do it to people, why can't we do it to the moon?" I stayed quiet. He(?) had a point, why did we label everything we see?

"I don't like the night, no surprise, but why do you?" I asked curiously. He smiled up fondly at the moon before glancing back at me.

"Before my grandmother died, she promised me that she would watch over me every night, looking down at me from the moon. So when she died, I made a vow to myself to watch the moon every single night." He seemed to smile fondly at the memory, making my heart ache with sympathy.

"I'm sorry. . ." I whispered to him. He shrugged in response and looked back at me. I examined his face thoroughly we while he looked at me. His hair seemed to blend into the sky above, and his eyes reminded me of the moon, the only difference was I actually liked his eyes.

"What's your name?" He questioned me.

"Frank," I told him. "Yours?" He just grinned at me in response, not even making any type of effort to tell me his name at all.

"You'll find out eventually. The sun's coming up soon." I nodded, acknowledging what he'd just said. "I have to go, Frank. See you soon." He shot one last smile at me before getting off the bench and walking away, leaving me utterly confused.

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