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Tonight was the night I finally got fired, I had gotten to work about thirty minutes late, and my boss didn't like that, so he finally fired me, he was being pretty lenient with me, too. Bob was a pretty nice guy, I suppose. After I'd gathered my stuff, I drove home.

After I had gotten everything organized, I went out looking for him, around midnight. You know what- I'm going to call him Gee because his name starts with a 'G' aren't I a Genious. Gee was sitting on the same curb from the night before, so I sat next to him once again.

"Hi, Frank. Do you come out here every night for me, really?" He asked me. I quickly nodded, the look of sadness on his face made my heart ache.

"Yes, I thought I told you that a couple nights ago?"

"You did, but fuck, who would come out here every night for me? I don't understand why you do that, Frank," he admitted, frowning slightly.

"Oh, man, well you're interesting, I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like the moon, nor the stars, but I enjoy listening to you talk about them as if they were your own children," I told him.

"Aren't they? We're close enough to get to the moon, why not take care of her, too? Wait no, let's not, well, maybe just the two of us. But it's probably better if the earth as a whole didn't, look at what we did to the earth. . ."

"It's nothing we can change-"

"Yes there is! We can- we can stop it. . ." I could hear his voice cracking, trying to say the words. I frowned and wrapped my arms around Gee, pulling him into a hug. He didn't react at all at first, but I just stayed there, my arms loosely wrapped around his torso. "Frank why- you don't know if I even like men. . ."

"You don't have to like men to get hugged. Friends hug each other, and you needed a hug, so I hugged you. Simple as that."

"Friend?" He exclaimed.

"Yes, friend."

"I've never had one of those before. . ."

"Never?" He shook his head sadly.

"I have to go Frank, I'm sorry you lost your job. See you tomorrow night, friend." And just like that, he was gone.

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