1. Hogwarts Reunion

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Quote of the Chapter: No distance or lapse of time can lessen the friendship bog people who are  throughly persuaded of each other's worth - Robert Southey.


Setting: The New Malfoy Manor

Date: The Twenty-nineth October of Two thousand ten.


"We don't have to go, if you don't want to, love." My husband, Draco Malfoy, offered as he plopped down on our bed in the new Malfoy Manor. His beautiful grey eyes were completely focussed on me, as I brushed my hair in front of the vanity mirror.

It would've been a shock to anyone that knows me. Let's face it. I, Hermione Granger (now, Malfoy) - the brightest witch of my age, the 1/3rd of the Golden Trio, the muggle born extraordinaire - am married to Draco Malfoy - the Slytherin Prince, bad boy ferret, and an ex-Death Eater.

"I'm not going to meet them, Draco. I'm attending the party because I ought to meet Neville and Luna, and their twin sons. Plus, the girls and I are going shopping later." I told him in a matter-of-fact tone, as I placed the hair brush in its stand, and turned to face my husband.

His eyes held a mischievous glint, and his lips upturned into the trademark Malfoy smirk. I raised my eyebrow at him, knowing that his dirty-unpredictable mind is up to something. "What are you up to? I know that you're planning something."

Only he has the ability to turn even the most serious situation into a sexual one. His mind always brings up something or the other related to sex in every conversation, just like Blaise Zabini. That man cannot stay away from sex or sex related stuff.

Draco faked a huge sigh and drawled. "Oh you know me so well, wife of mine."

His strong arms enveloped me and I unhesitatingly complied into his body, enjoying the familiar feeling of being wrapped in his embrace. Pressing his forehead against mine, his big hand cupped my cheek and tilted my head to a side, whilst his other hand went lower my body to cup my bum teasingly.

I grinned knowing what he had  in his mind, just in time to see him wink saucily at me, while squeezing my bum. "You can always meet the Longbottoms later. Shopping can wait."


Without giving me time to voice my opinion, Draco pulled me for a hard, intense kiss. His grip on me tightened. He held me so tight  to him, that I could actually feel his heart thudding in his chest.

A wanton moan escaped my lips, when he slammed me against the wall, pressing his lithe muscled body against me. Even after years of being together, as you can see, things can get heated with us very quickly.

Pleasure seeped into my body at the anticipation for what was about to happen. Sex was always fun with Draco, since he finds new fantasies to fulfill every single time. With the amount of fantasies he has in his mind, it's a wonder when and where he has time to think of all that.

But I'd like to rather blame the Malfoy in him for that.

Normally, the Malfoys are highly sexual beings. Adding to it is the fact that their Magic doesn't permit them to have sex before marriage. Discrediting the binding will lead to loss of magic.

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