7. Welcome Home

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Quote of the Chapter: As truth be told, Homecoming never gets old - Unknown.


Setting: The New Malfoy Manor.


A 37 year old Draco Lucius Malfoy, CEO of the Malfoy Inc., and the Lord of the Malfoy family entered his home, the new Malfoy Manor, with renewed happiness as his eyes gazed the beautiful building.

A feeling of half-hearted happiness settled in him, but that soon changed as his twins: son and daughter of 16 years old, crashed into his body as a welcome back hug.

"I've missed you both too-ow!" He said, as he hugged them tighter, relishing in the fact that these beautiful children were his and his wife's.

It still felt like a dream to him. A dream which he never wishes to wake up.

"Welcome home, Dad!" His son, Scorpius said, as he pulled his Father for a man-hug.

The feeling that filled the Lord, when he hugged his son was beyond explanation. It still feels like a dream.

"Missed you too, mate." Scorpius' nickname was still 'mate' even after all these years. Nothing could make the Father change the nickname of his son.

"Welcome home, Dad! We've missed you!" His daughter, Cassiopeia Malfoy squealed as she jumped up to hug her Father.

The Father chuckled, and kissed the top of her forehead, and hugged her.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." Even after all these years, 'sweetheart' is her nickname, just like her brother, she had done so many things to try to change her Father's mind, but nothing could do it.

"Now, what happened during the time when I was gone?" The Father questioned his children, feeling a little as if though he was the Male Lion of his Pride, whilst his children are the Cubs, and his wife is his Mate and the Lioness.

'Oh, the irony..' He chuckled darkly, as he remembered the nickname he used to tease his wife with.

"Julian had asked Casy for a date!" His son exclaimed, planning on pulling his sister down, (his real favourite past time) which drew a threatening growl from the father, and a blush from the said female Cub, who also threw a glare to her brother.

"I think someone needs to be reminded about the rule of 'no dating until 30 years old'.." Draco said, pointing to his daughter, which literally said no to the date planned by Julian Zabini.

"But Daisy and Rhea are already dating Robin and Robert and they are one year younger than me! How come they can date and I can't?!" Cassie exasperated, throwing her hands in the air.

"Do not use that tone with me, young lady.." Father to the pride ordered, as well as reminded his younger cub. (Rhea Pucey is dating Robert Nott; whilst, Daisy Abbott is dating Robin Nott... It's a fact to notice that Robert and Robin are twins)

Cassiopeia just sighed, and slumped her shoulders in annoyance, knowing that she can't win the argument against her Father, if her only source of weapon is not here with her - namely her Mother.

"What else had happened?" He continued his questioning session, as he walked into the main living room, and enlarging his suitcase from his magicked shirt pocket.

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