13. The Massage

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Quote of the Chapter: The conversation between fingers and someone else's skin is the most important discussion you can never have - Unknown.


Note: This is a snippet from 'The Slytherin Triad'.

Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Hermione Black, 1/3rd of the Slytherin Trio and Triad, the brightest witch of her age, the girl-who-knew, a 6th year student of Hogwarts, was seated under a huge Willow tree overlooking the Black Lake.

This day being a Sunday was a day off for everyone. Some students were found in their common room giggling and gossiping, pranking, finishing their homework/incomplete work, napping off, or doing whatever they do whenever they're free.

As the Quidditch Pitch was damaged recently by the Winter's attack, the students had nothing else productive to do. Many were still sulking because of the 'off-limits' to the Quidditch Pitch.

The Professors were off to Merlin knows where. They were all in their own Quarters, doing their own work, leaving the students to fend for themselves. Even Mr. Filch was in his room, curled up with Mrs. Norris, fast asleep.

Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, 1/3 of the Slytherin Trio and Triad, the second best student in his year, the youngest seeker of the century, the Young Lord (well, he's the last Scion of the family, but he still cannot be emancipated until he's 18) of the Potter family, lay with his head on Hermione's (his Mate and girlfriend) lap, under the Willow Tree.

Wearing a printed tee-shirt and casual trousers, Harry was trying to doze off or at least rest for a while, under the care of his Hermione, who was running her dainty fingers through his nest of a hair all the while staring into the space.

Many had taken the pair's idea and are now out at the grounds near the Black Lake picnicking with their friends or partners or both.

"That feels good." Harry moaned in relaxation.

The response he got from his Mate was her lovely giggles. "Looks like someone is enjoying themselves."

"Of course I am. Who knew-ooohhh, that felt so good!" Harry exclaimed, and mid-sentence his eyes flew open.

A few students threw them weird looks, but Hermione just winked at them, and that flustered them enough to make their heads turn away.

Turning to the task at hand, Hermione slipped her hands down to her Mate's shoulder blades and started her massage, resolving to remove the knots that had formed there. "Ohhh... A little right.. A little down.. A little more down.. Right there.. Yes.. Ohhh..."

His emerald green eyes turned stormy, as he gazed at the beautiful girl on whose lap he had his head on. The afternoon sunbeam poured down her black hair, making her look as if though the sunlight was trying to swallow her whole.

Her grey eyes reflected her smugness, but when they caught the beam, her eyes shone. The pale flawless skin tone of hers added to the mix, giving her a 'Fallen Angel' kind of look.

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