18. Soul Bond Mates

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Quote of the Chapter: We made love even before we laid a finger on each other. We caressed our souls in such a way no one can even fathom of it. It was true magic - Unknown.

Note: In this story, The Dark Lord is Tom Riddle Jr himself. He's a Pureblood, but was abused and orphaned. He didn't make any horcruxes. There is no Prophecy. The British Magical World is torn into two sides: The Light and the Dark. Each Side is trying to win over the other and lead the Society with their own ambitions.


Setting: The Riddle Manor, Westminster, The Great Britain.

Date: The fifth June of Nineteen Eighty.


"TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE JUNIOR, WHEN I GET THE BABY OUT OF ME, I'M GOING TO CHOP YOUR DICK OFF, SO THAT YOU WON'T TOUCH ME AGAIN!!" Phoebe Apollonia Riddle née Constantine screamed at top of her lungs, squeezing her husband's hand to the maximum limit, as she pushed again for the fourth time since one hour.

Today Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, best friends of Tom and Phoebe Riddle had arrived at the Riddle Manor for a family dinner.

It did help the ladies as they both were best friends since birth and were both pregnant at the same time, with the same due date. It also helped the men as they both were best friends and had knocked their wives out on the same week.

The ladies driven by their constant mood swings and pregnancy hormones, drove the men mad every passing minute.

It was only fair that they spend some quality girls time together, so that they don't tire themselves out, leaving the men to fend for themselves.

In the heat of the moment, discussing about their baby(ies) and their plans to the future, Narcissa went into labour.

Lucius was literally shaken at the bombshell that was dropped on him when a Riddle family house elf popped in to inform that the Lady Malfoy was going into labor.

The Lord Malfoy was very damn sure that the due date was not near and had argued heatedly with the poor house elf, who was forced to listen to his ramblings, much to the amusement of Tom, a.k.a the Dark Lord.

Seeing Narcissa scream profanities at her husband and the blood oozing out of her, Phoebe too went into labor, much to the amusement of Lucius, who now sought the required revenge on his best friend.

Tom had squabbled with his wife for nearly 10 minutes, before she vowed to hex his balls off if he didn't believe her, forcing him to accept that she was truly in labor pain and was about to give birth to their baby.

The two mid wives who were assigned to aid the ladies with the birth of their children, didn't know whether to laugh at the hysterical sight or cringe at the profanities yelled out by the soon-to-be-mothers, who were quite creative with their obscenity rich vocabulary.

In reality, Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr tasted the metallic flavour of his own blood when he continued biting his lip, to overcome the pain that his wife was giving him. She had held his hand in a death grip, and was literally breaking the bones, but he couldn't give it a damn as he was about to see his little Princess for the first time.

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