24. To Love the Unexpected

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Quote of the Chapter: You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time  - Unknown.


Draco Malfoy has always wanted Hermione Granger.

Ever since he literally bumped into her on the train, back in 1991, and had had a conversation with her for about 2 full hours, he'd wanted her. Her intelligent, comforting, powerful, calm and collected persona, was the one that attracted him.

He instantly decided that she would be his wife. She showed the perfect attributes that a Malfoy wife should have. She would be a great Lady of the Manor.

But when he finally got to know that she was a mud blood, his dreams were shattered like glass. He started to ignore her. Snapped at her. Teased her. Bullied her. Tried to make her life a living hell, because she didn't give him what he wanted.

A Malfoy always gets what he wanted. No matter what.

But every time, he got to know that she was in trouble, his heart leaped out of his chest figuratively. While he wished that she would get hurt on one hand for not giving him what he wanted, the other part of him wanted to keep her locked away from all things that could potentially cause her even the slightest pain.

It scared him, to know that a petty mud blood was having such a control over him. Him, a Malfoy.

When she was petrified, he had never been that scared in his entire life. Not even when he slipped from his broom at 250 feet above the ground at the Manor. He'd been scared for her safety, betterment and life.

A Malfoy wouldn't let anything hurt his wife. No thing can hurt a Malfoy wife and get away with it.

He saw how beautiful she was when they were in their third year. And, something told him that when this girl would grow into a woman, she'd have almost half of the male population of their school after her. The single thought flared his jealousy.

She was his. No one else's.

He'd decided that he would do something or the other to ensure that the boys of Hogwarts stay clear of her.

Draco had been so jealous of Viktor Krum when he bought her as his date for the Yule Ball. Even though, the Malfoy Heir had done a great job scaring off his supposed-to-be wife's potential suitors and boyfriends, he had managed to overlap the Bulgarian Seeker, for some oblivious reasons.

Krum, had fascinated Draco with his seeker skills and sportsmanship, but now, he is the blond boy's most hated person on the whole of the earth. If looks could kill, the Bulgarian would've died so many times a horrible, disgusting death.

That particular day was when everyone saw the beauty that was Hermione Granger. The beauty that was supposed to be Draco Malfoy's wife. The girl that the Slytherin Prince had noticed way back in their first year, when no one else did.

Even though Fifth Year and Sixth Year had him busy, he was acutely aware of the happenings in school. He even managed to pick up the closeness between Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in first glance.

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