14. This could've been

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Quote of the Chapter: You don't deserve to be happy in the arms of someone who would keep you waiting, but in the arms of someone who would take you now, love you forever and leave you never - Unknown.


Setting: The Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, The Great Britain.


The boy-who-lived, the Chosen One, the youngest seeker of the century, the most powerful wizard besides Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort, the Undesirable no 1 who is none other than the great Harry Potter found himself sitting in the floors of the cold dungeons in the Malfoy Manor, bound to the pillar securely with a sort of magical shackles that he has never seen before.

One of his best friends, the boy-who-supported, the Weasley King, the Undesirable no 3, Ronald Weasley was on the floors, just like him, and was bound to another pillar - just like him.

His other best friend and his only female best friend (Ginny is his girlfriend), the girl-who-knew, the Gryffindor resident bookworm, the Gryffindor Princess and Golden Girl, the Undesirable no 2, Hermione Granger was tied to another pillar.

The only difference between Harry, Ron and Hermione (aside from their genders, likes and dislikes) was that whilst the lads are conscious, the girl had been tortured into unconsciousness.

It's been 4 hours since she was tortured, and she still hasn't woken up or shown any sort of sign that would say that she was getting well. Their only comfort was her breathing, and the lads were grateful for it.

Harry didn't know whether that it was his luck or her luck that she was tortured. But, his musings came to a stop when he realised that it wasn't going to take them anywhere.

The other occupants of the Dungeons: Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas and Garrick Ollivander were all bound to pillars or walls with the help of magical shackles, looking hopeless.

Their clothes were all dirty, their hair were matted with dirt, sweat, blood and water, whilst their body ached terribly.

Adding to the mix was the need to escape from the hell and return to their homes. The exigency to escape the place had totally overshadowed their hungers, making them busy.

They didn't even know when they had had food before!

The Dungeons was located in the most lowest level of the Manor. It was readily ugly, disgusting and cold with the stench of blood, sweat, tears and stagnant water.

It was the place where the Death Eaters imprisoned their so-called-enemies *cough cough * Mud bloods, Blood traitors and filthy half bloods *cough cough*.

Since the Traditional Malfoy Manor posed to be the Death Eaters' personal Headquarters, the Dungeons posed to be their very own Azkaban prison, where the prisoners were treated to the personal Azkaban treatment.

The bigoted Pure bloods that visit the prisoners make sure that only fear is what the so-called-deserved feel.

Anyways, back to the bright side, is the fact that the golden Trio were going to meet Lord Voldemort the following morning.

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