21. Mother's Love

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Quote of the Chapter: There is nothing like the love between a mother and her son - Unknown.


The girls that pass by the compartment sighed in admiration, as they gazed at the hot, hunk species of boys that are seated there. Even though the said compartment housed only 4, those 4 are of the 'many best' that Hogwarts offered.

A lad with dirty blond hair - that looked like had been run many times by his hand - and, baby blue eyes - that could melt a girl's heart within a second - sitting near to the entrance, flipped through a famous Quidditch Magazine absentmindedly.

From the unique dirty blond hair and unique baby blue eyes, one can guess that the boy is a Pucey.

Sure, he's none other than Edward Pucey, son of Adrian Pucey - the world famous Quidditch player - and Pansy Pucey née Parkinson - the world famous model.

Next to the window, sat a pale complexioned boy with straight Platinum blond hair - that still glows even after the lights are put off - and caramel brown eyes - that could either make one fall in love or in fear.

From platinum blond hair and the pale skin tone, it could be seen that he was a Malfoy.

Eros Cepheus Malfoy is the son of Draco Malfoy - CEO of the Malfoy Inc - and Hermione Malfoy née Granger - Senior Undersecretary of the (Britain) Minister of Magic. He was busy playing 'Temple Run' game in his mobile phone, to give attention to anyone.

The boy seated opposite to Eros had shaggy brown hair - every girl's brown dreams - and blue eyes - that makes them squeal in utter delight, was Dexter Boot, son of Terry Boot and Parvati Boot née Patil, munching on the sweets from the trolley lady.

The last but not the least person that's in the compartment was Gale Obsidian, a transfer student from the Beauxbatons. He had dark raven black hair - that was every lad that wants to be a bad boy's dream - Obsidian black eyes - gives jitters - and, pale complexion, was merely staring out of the window, letting his thoughts astray.

Being just 15 years old, they are a few of the most sought out wizards in Hogwarts, and are infamous Heartbreakers.

The occupants of the said compartment jumped when a loud ping came out of Eros' phone. "Bloody hell, it scared the shit outta me!"

With a shrug, Eros opened the message, his eyebrows scrunching up like his mother as he read so.

Sighing loudly, he jumped onto his feet, now NOT scaring the rest, and stretched his lanky limbs in the air. "What does it say?" Edward asked, lifting his gaze from his magazine to look at his best mate.

"It's from Mum. Blaise and Daphne are going out, so Julian is staying at our home for the week." Eros explained, as he tied the loose laces of his shoes without magic.

"Okay?" Gale raised his eyebrow in confusion.

He couldn't understand why Blaise had asked Hermione to pass on the message to Eros, and not Julian himself.

"Blaise couldn't reach Julian's phone, and had asked Mum to help him."

Their mouths formed an 'o'.

"Can I drop at your house?" Dexter pleaded with mischievousness glinting in his blue eyes. Instantly, Eros realised what the brunette boy was up to, and snapped. "No."

"But why?" He whined, almost on the verge of begging his friend.

"Because you keep flirting with Mum and eyeing her up!" The blond boy snarled, brown eyes hardening at the mere thought.

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