22. Draconis

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Quote of the Chapter: Dragons mate for life, and they take no other - Unknown


Summary: Silver Dragons - of the Westerm Dragon Dignity - are being targeted by the infamous Dragon Slayers Harold Pottsr and Ronald Weasley. Draco, being one of the rare Silver Dragons, is ordered to be housed at the Temple, along with his Mate and son.


"Mumma, why is there two names for each God?" Scorpius enquired his mother, with soulful grey eyes.

With a gentle smile, Hermione - mother of Scorpius - swiped his long, pale blond hair away, and kissed his forehead. "It is a very long story, Scorpius." When the little two year old stared expectantly with no break in his stride, she sighed.

"Long long ago, when the Romans travelled to Greece, they brought in the Pagan Gods and Goddesses of Greece back to their homeland. And, when they did, they changed the names of the Gods and Goddesses to their own language." She explained the never-ending history of the Greeks and the Romans using easy words as much as she could, so that her inquisitive son can understand with his small sized vocabulary.

His grey eyes widened comically, making his blond eyebrows to raise into his hairline. "Is it?" Hermione nodded her head to agree to the fact, seriously.

A frown appeared on his pale face. "Is it not stealing? Stealing is bad, right Mummy?"

Hermione chuckled. "Stealing is bad, my dragon cub. But what the Romans did, wasn't stealing. The other day, when we visited Alexander Zabini, you got yourself familiarized with a new word, is it stealing? No. It is called as learning."

"So, if I pick up a new toy from Alex, it is learning, Mummy?" Scorpius asked, with a cheeky grin on his pale face.

The little tyke had understood the difference between stealing and learning, but is just teasing his mother, after the little enlightenment he just had.

Hermione mock glared at her son. Scorpius smirked cheekily, just like father, as he jumped down from the divan he was just seated and ran away from his mother.

A battle cry rang through the walls of the cave, as she sprinted after her son. Sure, it had taken her a few minutes to locate him, as the cave that they were residing in, is quite very big and has lot many chambers.

She had never been this pleased that she had cleaned the entire cave in the past days, as it now helped her greatly in making sure that neither her nor her son get hurt in their game.

When Hermione first arrived at the cave, she saw the entire place overflowing with treasures; furniture of all sizes and colours; robes and outfits of all colours and materials; jewels of every colour, size and shape imaginable; items of daily use made of precious stones and metals. Statuettes, statues, busts, paintings, tapestries were strewn all over the place.

Even though the horde looked like a cyclone had just passed through, she had a fleetingly assumption that the articles were in reality, grouped together. She was right though.

Finally spotting her son's jade robes peeking out of the high cherry wooden cabinet embedded with white gemstones, in the Treasure Cove, Hermione sneaked in on her son, hoping to catch him off-guard, even though knowing very well that she couldn't.

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