5. Betrothed

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Quote of the Chapter: It is so great to find that one single person that you want to annoy for the rest of your life in your childhood sweetheart - Unknown.


Setting: The Lestrange Manor, Lancashire, The Great Britain.

Date: The Twenty-eighth August of Nineteen Ninety-One.


"Are you really sure that you have to visit them? Can't you stay here?" Rudolphus Lestrange whined. Yes, you heard me right the Lord of the Lestrange family whined.

It maybe a shocker to the on-lookers, but the truth is: the Purebloods that usually maintain a stoic façade aren't really emotionless. They are Human Beings too, just like everyone else, and man in his nature is a very social animal.

The Purebloods from their childhood are taught not to reveal any of their emotions to the outside world, as it would prove to be a Gateway for their enemies to win them over. And, a Pureblood in his element, has at least one enemy.

If you have read the previous words properly, then you would've realised that there were these words 'not to reveal any of their emotions to the outside world'. We can understand from this that the Purebloods don't necessarily have to be expressionless and poker faced 24/7.

Hermione Sienna Lestrange, a sweet 11 years old girl, rolled her eyes at her father and his over-protective. "Daddy, this is merely a casual visit. Hopefully, I'll be back before dinner. And, I have already promised to spend the entire day tomorrow with you and Bella." The said 'Bella', a.k.a Bellatrix Lestrange nodded her head agreeing to her step-daughter, who always holds a great place in the said old witch's heart.

"She's right, Rud. You know there is nothing that can keep those two away. Even if you try, the result will be ugly and we know it. I say, you let her go." Bella elucidated, hoping to get her husband agree to their daughter's plan.

She chose to ease her husband into accepting because he is more of a softy than their daughter ever would be.

Rudolphus grunted and brooded over the facts laid in front of him. He knew that the words of his wife were true and there was no loophole in his daughter's plan, as it was more of a pre-planned one than a last-minute plan.

"Okay, I give in. You can go visit your future in-laws, but tomorrow is here with us. I'll hold you to your promise, sweetheart." He said firmly, making sure that his words don't contain any flaws that would encourage his daughter to cut in on tomorrow.

"Of course, you can and thank you, Daddy! I love you!" Hermione squealed and jumped into her father's arms, holding him in a tight embrace.

As he was about to respond to the hug, his daughter pulled away from him and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek, before slipping away to the apparation point in the Manor.

Rud shared a look with Bella, who just rolled her eyes at her husband, as she parted from him with a long searing kiss and a whispered conversation of how the pair were going to make use of the whole Manor to themselves for the day.

Rudolphus loved his daughter to the ends of the world, and he loved his wife just as much. Even though his daughter was a fruit of his union with another Pureblood witch out of wedlock before he was married, his wife had no problems with the little girl.

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