9. A Different Story

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Quote of the Chapter: I want to live in whatever Alternate Universe that allows me to have you without any consequences - Unknown.


Setting: The Granger Manor, Lancashire, The Great Britain.

Date: The Twenty-fifth August of Nineteen Ninety-One.


Ugh, why are they so infuriating?! Why can't I just stay home and read books or prepare for my school or do some productive work instead of going to that stupid ball?!

I wanted to punch something. I wanted to kick the door, and punch the wall, throw a temper tantrum, but I couldn't do that.. I can't do that.. (Because I'm already doing that.. Temper tantrum..)

'Ladies are supposed to be calm, collected, lovely, virtuous.. They should always dress up in nice, lovely looking clothes, especially the Pureblood Women.. We, Pureblood women, should be the picture of beauty, elegance, nobility, class and quality.. We should always be on the spotlight, because of who we are, because of which background we come from, because of our class, because of our blood status..' My mother's words echoed in my mind, making no effect other than to steam me up more.

Blood status?! Isn't that ludicrous?! What does Blood status has to dos with dressing up like a complete dolt, clingy, whiny rich brats, that are way too spoiled by their parents for their own good?!

'Why can't women be themselves? Why can't they do whatever they want other than to take care of the bloody household? Why can't they work at the Ministry or something? Is something wrong in here? We're all the same.. We're all human beings.. But, what makes a woman lesser than a man of the same age and characteristic? What makes us women different from the men?!' I remembered screaming at my mother.

What makes a woman lesser to a man?! Have they all forgotten that a woman was created from a man's rib bones?

'Young lady, I have no answer for your questions. We've been following the same tradition for more than thousand years and no one has ever questioned this. Then, why do you care?' My mother said patiently.

I had had a feeling that I was ticking her off, but I didn't care. At that moment, I only wanted answers to my million galleon worth questions.

If you don't know the answer to my questions, shouldn't you too be questioning the society, the traditions, the rules, just like me?!

'Up to your room. I don't care what happens, but we are going to the ball that is being held at the Malfoy Manor at 6 today! You will be ready, and that's final!' Was the last sentence I heard before I stormed off, well, as much as I could in my ankle length, annoying dress.

Ugh! Infuriating is the understatement of the century!

"Milady, I don't think it's too much that they ask.. You're going just for a ball and nothing else.. You'll be fine.. Just manage for a few hours.." A familiar voice advices, and I saw in fascination as all of my anger died out.

I turned to the source and found Zorya, wearing her uniform: a pretty white dress (that ended at her ankles) and a black sleeveless vest with the house of Granger crest on her breast pocket.

"Thank you, Zorya. Without you, I won't be here.." I said, as I hugged the house elf, who happens to be my best friend.

"Milady, no need for all that.. First, I'll run you a hot bath, which will cool you off in the process, then, we'll get you ready for the ball.." She said sweetly, smiling at me.

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