3. The Boggart Influenza

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Quote of the Chapter: The worst thing about being a parent is that you can't stop the world from hurting your child. You can only ease the pain - Unknown.


Lord Draco Lucius Malfoy, his wife - Lady Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger - and their youngest son, Young Master Regulus Casio Malfoy (6 years old) were at England for a week. The reason for their little visit was to attend Scorpius Draco Malfoy's Parents-Teachers Conference which is being held at Hogwarts.

Initially, the Malfoys had been were wary of sending their son to Hogwarts, especially Draco, who didn't want his son to be judged - or, on a higher note, be bullied - because of his actions in past. Even though, he had done so many positive things to counter the bad image that he had painted of himself during the pre-war times, he knew (being a Slytherin and all) that people hold grudges. Especially the so-called Gryffindors. Plus, he didn't want to hurt his wife's feelings.

But, after having had an in-depth study about the current situation of Hogwarts, they finally agreed to let their son attend the said centuries old school.

Even though no school in the whole of the world could compete Hogwarts in terms of magnificence, none of the parents could forget the horrible circumstances they were made to face during their times. Hogwarts would've been a enjoyable place, if there was no Voldemort terrorising the entire country, but Draco and Hermione were one of the many unlucky ones that got stuck in a time where Voldemort was at his peak.

Adding to it, it's not like there aren't any good Magical schools in Australia, it's just that no school could give the exposure that Hogwarts provided.

So, Scorpius Malfoy, the Young lord/Heir of/to the Malfoy Family was sent to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with his parents still permanently residing in Australia.

Draco and Hermione were quite concerned over the distance, you see, but that was soon cleared off when Hogwarts decided to connect the Fireplace in the Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress room to both the National and the International floo network.

Aside from the technicalities, the fact that only fully qualified, educated and professional teachers are occupying the positions of the teaching staff of Hogwarts, eased the worries of the youthful couple.

It was made mandatory that every teacher must have a Masters at Healing or Duelling. The teachers also had to undergo three levels of tests, before finally being accepted into the school. At present, there are more than 5 teachers for each subject to teach the students.

Only after analysing every single minute little detail, and making sure only the best is provided to their son, the famous couple finally let their offspring attend Hogwarts.

Right now, Hermione found herself sitting on her bed, with Regulus' head on her lap, as she brushed the sweaty platinum blond hair away from his forehead.

"Mummy?" Regulus whispered, his innocent baby voice was now hoarse and throaty after sobbing for literally half an hour.

"Yes, baby?"

"When will Daddy be here? I wanna see Daddy." He whimpered, rubbing his eyes. She instantly knew that there was something wrong with her son.

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