20. Veela and his Mate

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Quote of the Chapter: I'm sorry that I het jealous and over-react. It's only because there is a bigger chance of me losing you than you losing me - Unknown.


Summary: Draco Malfoy is a descendant of a very rare line of Male Veelas. Draco, coming into his Veela Inheritance in his Fourth Year, finds his Mate in none other than Hermione Granger. Yet, his Veela is yet to make an appearance, even though Draco and Hermione had consummated their Bond in their Sixth Year. Is Draco's Veela really dormant or just a late bloomer?


Date: The Eighteenth October of Nineteen Ninety-Seven.

Setting: The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


"Oh, come on mate! First, you both are THE relationship goals with you two slobbering over each other, and now the pair of you are the perfect 'trouble in paradise' goals! What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" Blaise Zabini snapped, unable to take the longing looks both Draco and Hermione sent each other when they think that the other wasn't looking.

Draco Malfoy grunted as he picked at his food. He couldn't respond to his best mate now that the reason for the spat between him and his Mate was none other than his petty jealousy.

The Malfoys may look Aristocratic, with expressionless mask on their faces 24*7 just like any other Pureblood family, but they have this secret trait that no family ever possesses in its genes: Jealousy.

That was the same reason why Draco and Hermione had a row. The pair after completing the Mating Bond in the start of the Sixth Year, have become inseparable. More than the inseparability that they showcased in their Fifth Year, when they were just friends.

As Draco doesn't have a tolerance for Harry and the Weasleys, especially the latter and thus, couldn't form a bond with any of them and often found himself wishing that if the Weasleys and Harry weren't much important to his Mate, then he wouldn't have to spend time with them; but life is cruel.

He tried. Really, really tried connecting with the surrogate family of his Mate. Other than the Weasley Patriarch, the elder 5 Weasley children and the boy-who-lived none of the remaining family members even tried to bond with him.

He did all of that for her. For his Mate. And her Happiness.

The smile that adorned her exquisitely carved beautiful face was worth a thousand times of being discredited by the Weasleys. Draco had decided that he would make sure that the smile prevails on her face forever and after. He vowed to make it happen.

In his defense, he had a few reasons. The first one being the fact that he really didn't like the Weasleys. It was in his blood to hate the redheaded family.

The second one is that the Weasley Matriarch didn't like him and didn't have any decency to keep her thoughts to herself. She persistently kept on making snide remarks about him whenever she could, and didn't stop even when they were in public, too.

The third and the final reason is that Molly had been planning on getting Hermione and Ron to marry each other. Sure, no one really had guessed this, but it was quite obvious to the human eye.

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